My boss had this funny idea that I should eat 24 different breakfast burritos, so I could show the good people of Tucson where to get one every single hour of the day. 

In my supreme naiveté, I thought she was onto something and decided to kick it up a notch: I would actually consume the burritos at all hours of the day, to fully immerse myself in what I the writer recommended to you, the readers. (I guess I hadn't had a breakfast burrito in a while when I thought this up.) To better compare size vs. price, I'd weigh each one and evaluate it from a scientific standpoint. Also, I'd wear costumes.

What you see is the result of a month-long project that brought me out to the bulk of Tucson's fast-food burrito joints, but also a few diners and some gourmet taquerias. Using my $20 food scale from Target, a notepad and an old Nikon camera, I weighed the burritos, ate them and rated them so you know what's good.

Just so you don't call the labor board on the Star, I wanted to say that I didn't eat all of these consecutively, or even on the same day. I took my time and skipped around, but I did eat all of them when I said I did. And that was hard enough, believe me!

Notes about me, so you don't complain later:

— Just to get this out of the way, I'm not a huge potato person. I'm not entirely opposed to spuds in my burritos, but I definitely think they're a cheap filler/burrito crutch. I like them small or not at all. 

— You'll notice in here that I got a disproportionate amount of chorizo burritos, because every time I walked into a place and asked the cashier what their favorite was, that's what they told me. 

— You also might notice I tend to eat these toward the end of the hour. That wasn't intentional, it's just how I roll, always fashionably late. 

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