Networking and building relationships can be a great way to grow a business. When done well, expect to see streams of referral business.

Business generated by referral typically converts at a higher rate and takes less time with lower customer acquisition costs than most forms of marketing.

Tucson is a networking town, and humans are social animals. We have several chambers of commerce, multiple business trade associations and even a few good professional referral groups. Normally, there are too many networking events in Tucson for any one person to attend.

COVID-19 abruptly ended all of that, and the networking scene in Tucson could be forever changed.

What will the networking “new normal” be, once we start meeting in large groups again? Could COVID-19 force us to be more strategic in our networking efforts? Could it actually make networking more effective and profitable than ever before?

A primary purpose of networking is to build relationships, so making a good impression is critically important. Some people will be very concerned about the coronavirus, while others are not. The only way to make a good impression with everyone, is to practice safe habits. These safe habits will define the new normal.

First, identify your best strategic referral sources by profession. Introduce yourself to a few of them virtually through social media, text or email. Describe how you can work together and focus on the benefit they will receive. Learn about the groups they belong to and the events they attend. Consider getting involved in those.

During your virtual conversations, determine where they are on the COVID-19 spectrum. If they seem to be concerned about it, or are in a high-risk category, respect their health concerns and prepare for your meeting in advance.

Read next week’s Biz Tip column for specifics and tactics on how to prepare for, and what to bring to, large group meetings during the coronavirus pandemic. These tips may allow you to make better connections, spend less time and generate more referral business.

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Bill Nordbrock is vice president of community relations for SCORE Southern Arizona, a nonprofit that offers free small-business counseling. For info, go to, send an email to or call 505-3636.