Thanksgiving has passed and the holiday season is in full swing. Grab one of these cozy gay romances to snuggle up with.

Here are four book recommendations brought to you by your friends at Pima County Public Library.

“The Holiday Trap” by Roan Parrish

“Season of Love” by Helena Greer

“You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince” by Timothy Janovsky

“In the Event of Love” by Courtney Kae

Like these? Be sure to check out the full list at

Visit for more great reading suggestions and to check out the E-Library.

Watch Now: Tony Wolff opened Space Monkey Comics at 7431 E. 22nd St. in late October. You will find Dr. Strange, Wonder Woman, Spawn, Deadpool and thousands of other heroes and anti-heroes from just about every universe. Video by Mamta Popat, Arizona Daily Star

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