Best high school football photos

Cienega quarterback Jamarye Joiner (11) takes off out of the pocket during the first quarter of the Cienega Bobcats vs. Salpointe Catholic Lancers high school football game on Sept. 30, 2016, in Tucson, Ariz. Mike Christy / Arizona Daily Star

The football recruiting Class of 2018 should be well represented in Tucson. Salpointe Catholic junior offensive tackle Matteo Mele, grandson of former UA and Green Bay Packers lineman Bill Lueck, was offered a scholarship by both the UA and Washington State coach Mike Leach. Pusch Ridge linebacker Dakota Haynes; Cienega quarterback Jamarye Joiner, who has already committed to Arizona; and Amphi tackle David Watson, son of former UA lineman of the same name, are on the recruiting radar.  

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