Tucson residents could see higher water and trash collection rates.

Question: Are VRBOs or Airbnbs allowed in HOA communities?

Answer: Companies including Airbnb, VRBO, Housetrip and Roomorama provide an online service that connects hosts and paying guests for short-term vacation rentals. While it may be a win-win for the host and guest, these types of “residents” can be a nightmare for the neighborhood.

“There was a party of 150 people just six doors down from our house over the holidays,” says “Sweet” Jennifer (Rosie’s wife). “Shots were fired — probably to ‘ring’ in the new year, and police and their helicopters swarmed the area. Regular residents of our neighborhood don’t act so unneighborly.”

When the ruckus rang out in her neighborhood, the whole neighborhood communicated and kept each other up to date through the Nextdoor app and provided information on how to report and collectively let the police know what was going on.

What can you do about unneighborly vacation rentals?

Don’t assume that vacation rentals are forbidden by your community’s CC&Rs. A careful analysis of your CC&Rs is necessary. Note that some CC&Rs define the terms “rental” and “lease” broadly to include granting the right to “use” a unit in exchange for the payment of money. Also, many CC&Rs were adopted long before the rise of online rental services, so the issues faced today, may not have been a consideration when adopted.

“Our neighborhood is 50 years old,” says Jennifer. “So, the CC&Rs are not well known unless someone is trying to pull a permit.”

Airbnb and similar hosts must understand the laws in their city, county, state and community before renting their homes. It is just as important that the renters are provided with the rules. Check with your community’s board and ask whether renters are required to read and agree (by signature) to abide by the rules so as not to disrupt the regular activities and life of the neighbors.

If you have trouble with a rental, follow the community’s chain of command to file a complaint.

Tip: If you are house hunting, review the CC&Rs before you buy. Find out if the homes in your immediate area are rentals, vacation rentals or owner-occupied.

Q: How diverse are the neighborhoods in Tucson?

A: Just like the rest of our state, they are quite diverse.

When we think of neighbors, many of us tend to think of the people next door, across the street, or directly behind our houses. There are many more neighbors to consider and many factors that make each of us different.

Our diverse backgrounds also mean that various languages, religions, and cultural differences are plentiful. It is important to recognize, respect and learn about each other’s differences. In some cultures, multiple generations live under one roof. Whereas, in others, once a child turns 18 years old or graduates high school, they are on their own.

There are several types of families in every neighborhood. There’s mom, dad and 2.5 kids (not sure how you get half a kid), single-parents, grandparents raising grandchildren, foster families, newly adopted children, roommates and multi-generations, for example.

Your neighbors may include newly or previously arrived refugees, asylum seekers or other forcibly displaced people who are establishing themselves in their new community.

Help them feel at home. One way to do that is through Community Sponsorship, a unique opportunity to welcome a new neighbor into your community. Sponsor groups can partner with an established local resettlement agency or can participate in The Sponsor Circle Program for Afghans.

This new community-led resettlement initiative allows everyday Americans to take on the responsibility of welcoming an Afghan newcomer to their communities. Both sponsorship initiatives offer local community members the opportunity to work together and provide families with practical support such as helping them to learn English and adapt to a new culture, finding and furnishing initial housing, connecting children to school, providing short-term, initial income support and helping adults to find employment.

Knowing tidbits like this about the people around you could help you further understand and get along despite differences.

Q: My neighborhood butts up to businesses. How can I be a good neighbor to them?

A: Support your neighborhood’s businesses, particularly the locally owned ones, such as restaurants, shops and other services. Follow them on social media. Give them favorable reviews and share their posts, especially when they offer specials.

Keep an eye on things after hours. If you see something suspicious at a business, call the police.

When you hear neighborhood news such as events, crimes, special city services or parking restrictions, give the business a heads-up.

Speaking of keeping an eye out, it takes a community to keep a community safe. If you don’t recognize who is coming and going, it’s time to implement a Neighborhood Watch program.

Neighborhood Watch is a program of neighbors watching out for each other during the workday, evenings, vacations or any other absence. The purpose of the Neighborhood Watch program is to create an alert neighborhood by using simple crime prevention methods.

Visit tucne.ws/1jc0 for details.

Love Thy Neighbor

Loving your neighbor means having a selfless concern for the complete well-being of the people around you. Regardless of where our neighbors are from, or how they came to our community, getting to know and help each other will surely enrich everyone and make our neighborhoods stronger.

At the end of the day, we are members of the same community. Being neighborly, among other things, means being kind and helpful to those in our community.

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An Arizona home building and remodeling industry expert since 1988, Rosie Romero is the host of the syndicated Saturday morning Rosie on the House radio broadcast, heard locally at from 10 to 11 a.m. on KNST (790-AM) in Tucson and from 8-11 a.m. on KGVY (1080-AM) and (100.7-FM) in Green Valley.
