Elder Rehab is an exercise, memory- and language-stimulation program for people with mild to moderate memory problems, sponsored by the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
It provides one-to-one partnerships between memory-challenged seniors and University of Arizona interns and volunteers. Each semester, the students supervise their respective partners in 20 twice-weekly, two-hour sessions, each consisting of an hour of physical exercise and an hour of memory and language exercises and games.
The program is directed by Dr. Sharon Arkin, the clinical psychologist who headed the federally funded, award-winning UA research project on which the current program is based.
(See www.u.arizona.edu/~sarkin/elderrehab.html)
The program is entering its seventh semester with a maximum enrollment of 35. There are about 10 vacancies for the 2018 semester, which begins the week of Jan. 22.
Cost is $275 per semester, which is less than $7 per hour. Late entrants are accepted on a pro-rated basis.
There is a non-refundable assessment fee of $60 (no fee for those returning from the fall 2017 session).
Participants must meet the following criteria:
- Mild to moderate memory loss (MMSE 18+ β exceptions for good communicators).
- Ambulatory (cane or walker OK).
- Continent of bowel (Depends or pads OK).
- Able to follow one- or two-step directions.
- Able to communicate understand (repetition, some confabulation OK).
- Reliable transportation to and from the Jewish Community Center, 3800 E. River Road.
- Care partner consent and involvement (accompanying person can use JCC gym free during partnerβs sessions).
- Physician consent to participate.
Those interested should contact Arkin at 603-2912 or sharonmerlearkin@gmail.com