Tucson Electric Power’s Trees for You program provides up to three 5-gallon trees to plant at your home.

Is that south wall of your house just getting too much sun? You need a shade tree. Maybe even three shade trees.

Trees are good for the environment, provide shade to keep your house cool and are beautiful. There’s no reason not to get a tree.

You can get them from Tucson Electric Power. TEP’s Trees for You program provides up to three 5-gallon trees to plant at your home.

Right now, the trees are discounted and you can get them for $5 each through May 31.

That’s while supplies last, however, so don’t procrastinate.

There are some rules. Trees must be planted within 15 feet of your house on the west, south or east sides. TEP may check to make sure you planted them in the right spot.

The trees must also be planted away from sewer lines and water lines and you should also call Arizona 811 (formerly Arizona Blue Stake), at 1-800-782-5348, to have utility lines marked.

If you live in a neighborhood with a homeowners association, check the HOA rules before planting as well.

Go to tep.com/trees-for-you to order your trees, get planting guidelines and see the rules. You’ll need your account information.

Plant in the spring so the tree has time to make itself at home before Tucson’s summer heat.

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