Electric vehicle charging stations are being installed by Tucson Electric Power just east of Maynard’s Market. Both fast-charging and L2 EV stations will be available.

Happier but not better off

Re: the Jan. 3 article “US would be more happy with more people.”

In this article, Tyler Cowen argues that the U.S. would be better off with a higher population growth rate. I disagree. Maybe happier, but not better off.

Cowen dismisses the argument that increased population is harmful to the environment by arguing that more people can find more solutions. But the obvious solution is that a smaller population could consume fewer resources and create less waste.

He also gives the example of cities with declining populations not being as “exciting.” However, I suspect these cities are suffering the loss of a major employer, which resulted in both the declining population and lack of excitement. The population loss is an effect, not a cause.

I’m fine with migration, though I suspect the planet’s population is excessive.

There is probably some optimum population where we have the advantages of scale, skill, specialization, etc. yet do not overburden the environment. We should strive for that.

Harold Hallikainen

East side

Voter rights

President Biden seems to have forgotten that voters elected him, and that Democrat voters will be needed to retain a Democrat presidency. He has misplaced his priorities, seemingly placing “Build Back Better” ahead of voter rights.

I think what the president fails to get is that without voter rights, there’s no hope for his agenda. As has been obvious since he took office and clear to everyone except him, Trump and his henchmen intend to subvert the voting process by gerrymandering, implementing voter-suppression policies and enacting voter-suppression laws, state by state, in order to regain and keep nationwide control.

If this trumpian movement succeeds, there will be no “Build Back Better,” or climate control, or any of his agenda measures now on life support in Congress. Instead, I believe we will live in an autocracy ruled by a white, largely wealthy minority that wrongly professes to be a democracy.

Jack Graef


AZ Republicans, election integrity

Re: the Jan. 9 article “As lawmakers convene, election laws loom large.” This article about all the election bills Arizona legislators want to pass shows how nearly laughable their focus is. They have already gotten rid of the Permanent Early Voter List. I think they want to make mail-in ballots almost impossible to use — like requiring they be hand delivered. They continue to act as if they believe the Big Lie about the 2020 election being stolen.

Has any journalist asked them on the record how they themselves managed to be re-elected in their own districts, sometimes by large margins in that stolen election? I would love to hear their convoluted logic as to how only part of a ballot was a sham.

Gail Kamaras

East side

COVID state and federal mandates

It appears the Supreme Court will view OSHA’s vaccination requirement an overreach. At the state level, however, such a requirement would likely be permissible. But not allowing a federal vaccination mandate means shifting responsibility to states, which have demonstrated an unwillingness to seriously address COVID.

Just today I heard on public radio that when the Arizona Legislature reconvenes, there will be no mask requirement and no social distancing requirement. The current variant of COVID is supposedly so contagious, the CDC is saying cloth masks don’t cut it, that you need an N95-type mask. And the state/local level, where the Supreme Court is going to say the fight needs to take place, is the same place that drops masking and social distancing when omicron is surging. We truly are one very stupid species.

Norman Patten


Pandemic prolonged

It is time for the unvaxxed, unmasked folks to accept responsibility for the prolonged nature of the COVID pandemic. Testing is not the answer, vaccination is the answer to end this miserable crisis. I am just sick and tired of the foolishness of some in this city, county, state and country.

Andrew Walker


Homelessness not always a choice

Re: the Jan. 9 letter “One’s opinion of homelessness.”

Contrary to the recent letter, homelessness is not often a matter of bad choices. It can be a fire, a flood, a business failure, an illness of the mind or body, loss of an important person in your life, a job or many other misfortunes. Instead of blaming the person, think “there but for the grace of G-d go I” and find ways to help the unfortunate people who have lost so much. Your efforts can aid the homeless, and you and our community will benefit.

Dee-Dee Samet, Tucson Homeless Connect


Reelect Sen. Mark Kelly

I am a 78-year-old widow residing in your neighboring state of New Mexico. I am writing this letter in support of Sen. Mark Kelly’s reelection campaign because I believe it’s important for Americans everywhere to maintain those in the U.S. Senate who work hard for their constituents and the country.

Mark Kelly has worked across the aisle to help put together the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which will benefit us all. He has had major input on water infrastructure, in particular, which greatly impacts those of us in arid states. His service on Senate committees impacting the environment and our natural resources is crucial to our health and prosperity. He stands firm on having strong border security as well.

For all these reasons and for the personal integrity he has shown, I hope Arizonans will vote for Mark Kelly this November.

Danielle Brown


Install electric car chargers

Electric car charging is working OK for my wife and me who are sunbirds, here in Tucson, escaping our home base in rural Wisconsin. Last year, we used Tesla superchargers and Blink slow chargers, but they were not nearly as convenient as plugging into the 220VAC NEMA-1450 outlet in our carport at home.

This year, we’re plugging into a 110VAC outlet at our rental home, which is just fine since we don’t drive much. We stopped by the supercharger last week and were surprised to find the place very busy, which leads me to suggest, here, that homeowners who are thinking about buying an electric car in the next couple years should consider installing a NEMA-1450 now. Electricians are going to be backlogged when everyone decides they want to charge at home with convenient, inexpensive electricity, rather than more expensive and less convenient options.

The other issue to consider is the likelihood that copper will continue to increase in cost. I hope landlords are seeing this, too.

Peter Truitt

North side

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