Provide tall towers or shelves that are appropriate for your cat to be on and well out of a dog’s reach. This will help the cats to be comfortable and confident in the space.

For those of us who have pets, they are considered part of the family. Some people refer to their pets as their furbabies or four-legged children.

Pets are a big deal in the United States. According to the 2021-22 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 70% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 90.5 million homes, with dogs leading at 69.0%, cats at 45.3% followed by fish, reptiles, horses, and other small animals. Most of the Rosie on the House staff fall into that statistic.

Like us, our pets want to feel loved, secure, safe and comfortable.

Whether bringing a new pet home or moving with your pet to a new home, follow these guidelines for a peaceful transition.

Welcome home

In most cases, animals coming from a shelter have been in a cage or kennel for days, weeks, months, or even years before finding their forever home.

Don’t give them the run of the house as soon as you get home. Instead, before their arrival, prepare a safe room. This is a separate room where your new pet can explore her new home. A spare bedroom or bathroom works well. Avoid the utility room. Sounds from the water heater, washer and dryer may be too noisy and scare your pet.

Provide bedding, food, water and a litterbox (for cats), pee pads (for dogs) in the safe room. Include items from her previous space, like a blanket, scratcher or toys that will add to her sense of security.

The Humane Society of the United States offers these tips for introducing your dog to its new environment, many of which apply to cats.

Gather supplies

Consider an appropriately sized crate or enclosed pet playpen that’s large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around for use as a safe, quiet β€œden.”

If you know what kind of food your new pet has been eating, buy a small bag to keep their diet consistent. To change the food, gradually mix the current with the new food to avoid an upset stomach.

Establish a routine

When and by whom will the dog be walked?

How often will you feed your pet?

Will they be allowed on the furniture or will they initially need to adjust to a crate?

Where will they rest at night?

Plan the arrival

Arrange for your new pet to arrive when you can be home for a few days in a row. Get to know each other and spend some quality time together. For the first few weeks, establish a routine. A routine will help them understand what to expect and grow to trust you. If possible, feed and walk your pet, and come and go from work around the same time each day.

Tips for dogs

Give your new dog a week or more to settle in and feel comfortable with her new environment.

If she is your only pet, you can give her the chance to explore. Before you begin, close off areas that are off limits such as the garage or baby’s room.

Keep her leashed, so you can provide an understanding of where and where not to go. Walk around each room and let her sniff away. Pet or play in these accessible areas to associate these locations with positive things. Depending on your dog’s nature, you may need to give several β€œguided tours” on a leash before your pet understands how to behave in the house and which areas are accessible. Puppies should stay in a limited area in your home where you can supervise them until they’re house-trained.

Some dogs feel safest in a relatively small area and are only willing to explore other parts of the home if you accompany them. Get to know what your pet prefers and try to support those preferences.

When you do leave home, consider leaving your dog with an enrichment item, such as a stuffed treat toy or puzzle food bowl. This provides mental and physical distraction and can prevent issues such as separation anxiety.

Tips for cats

Cats may hide under a bed or in a closet for the first few days. If you know that’s where he is, don’t force him out. A small, quiet area with a litterbox, food dish and a box or bed will help him feel secure.

It could take a week or more for your cat to feel comfortable. Once he is, open the door from your pet’s room and sit on the other side. Encourage your cat to come to you, then reward with attention or a treat. Staying seated, let your cat wander freely. If the cat seems comfortable after 15 minutes, get up and go about your business in the house, but stay near enough to make sure there is no trouble. Restrict free time to less than an hour at first, but gradually lengthen it until your cat or kitten is out in the house whenever you’re home.

Some animals respond very well to an expanded living area. Others get frightened and retreat. If your new pet appears nervous with the extra access, slow down the process. As with dogs, some animals feel safest in a relatively small area and may only explore other parts of the home if you accompany them. Get to know what your pet prefers and try to support those preferences.

Pets and children

Even the most docile animal can cause harm if they feel threatened. As a pet parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your pets appropriate behavior, as well as teaching your children/grandchildren how to behave around pets. Animal Humane Society suggests:

Always supervise children with any pet.

Teach children to treat animals with respect. Show them how to approach and touch dogs properly.

Help children understand body language so they can recognize when a dog or cat is friendly, fearful or aggressive.

When a child greets a dog, move slowly and offer the dog the back of a hand to sniff before petting.

Children shouldn’t encourage a dog to chase them.

Avoid tug-of-war games. They can over-stimulate a dog and encourage him to grab at hands and clothes.

Never allow a child to disturb a dog while eating, chewing on a bone or toy, or sleeping. Dogs are naturally territorial and may growl, snap or bite to protect their possessions.

Tell children not to look a dog directly in the eye. In dog language, a stare is a threat and may trigger the dog to act dominantly or aggressively.

As he adjusts to his new home, limit children’s interaction to gentle petting, and only when the animal approaches.

Don’t allow young children to pick up, carry or put their faces close to the animal. Sudden movements and loud noises can easily frighten your pet. Children should speak and sit quietly around the animal.

Nice to meet you

There are certain steps to take when introducing a new pet to a household with other animals. Carrie Pawpins offers the following suggestions:

Do go slow: If you try to introduce pets too quickly when they are not giving you signs that they are comfortable, you can put yourself back to square one or even worse.

Don’t force the introduction: Holding the cat or putting it in a carrier or cage right in the dog’s face is not a good idea. That action can create a very fearful or defensive cat and get you and/or the animals hurt in the process. Instead, rotate blankets and beds so that they get used to each other’s scent without the fear or potential for harm.

Do give plenty of vertical space: Provide tall towers or shelves that are appropriate for the cat to be on and well out of the dog’s reach. This will help the cats to be comfortable and confident in the space.

Don’t punish: Using force or punishment can make the cat associate something negative with the other animal. You also aren’t teaching your pet what you would like them to do. Never use prong, choke or shock collars on any of your pets.

Do make it a positive experience: Use high-value food, toys or petting when your pets are in the same area. Reward them for looking at each other and being in the same space as one another.

Do train your pets: Both cats and dogs can be trained using positive reinforcement. By using basic cues such as sit, down, place and look at that, you can teach your pet to be well-behaved and calm in the presence of the other animal. Training together also can help to build a bond with them. You can train your dog on the floor and your cat up on a table or counter.

Additionally, The Arizona Humane Society cautions: β€œBecause they’re so much smaller, kittens are in more danger of being injured, of being killed by a young energetic dog or by a predatory dog. A kitten will need to be kept separate from an especially energetic dog until she is fully grown, and even then, she should never be left alone with the dog. Usually, a well-socialized cat will be able to keep a puppy in his place, but some cats don’t have enough confidence to do this. If you have a shy cat, you might need to keep her separated from your puppy until he matures.”

Following these guidelines will make the transition from shelter to home go more smoothly, thus creating a forever bond between you and your pet.

Dogs are often described as "man's best friend". But when it comes to fighting stress, petting a cat may be just as beneficial. Researchers from Washington State University and Belgian university KU Leuven have found that many people especially those with "strong and highly reactive" emotions - would benefit from feline interactions at animal-assisted interventions. Co-author Patricia Pendry said. "We're looking for ways to help more people reduce their stress levels. Adding cats may be another way to reach a broader audience."

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An Arizona home building and remodeling industry expert since 1988, Rosie Romero is the host of the syndicated Saturday morning Rosie on the House radio broadcast, heard locally from 10 to 11 a.m. on KNST (790-AM) in Tucson and from 8 to 11 a.m. on KGVY (1080-AM) and (100.7-FM) in Green Valley.