Hopseed bush

The hopseed bush is native and does very well as a lush green screening shrub.

Hopseed bush, also known as hop bush (Dodonaea viscosa) is a well-kept secret in Tucson. It’s available at most local nurseries, grows quickly, has lush green foliage, and provides excellent shade and privacy, but I don’t see it in a lot of yards. It is native to our area, but also it grows all over the world including Hawaii, Asia, New Zealand and Australia.

Hop bush can grow in full sun or partial shade and requires little to moderate watering. If watered regularly, it can grow up to 8-10 feet tall in our climate (although some sources report they can grow as high as 20 feet), and nearly as wide.

It has thin green leaves with a succulent bright green color. Female plants grow pale green seeds that are quite attractive which birds enjoy; the foliage also provides good bird habitat. Hopseed bushes are thornless and evergreen, making them good plants for pool areas since they don’t create much litter. It’s a fast grower, too, making it an ideal candidate for yards that need a bit of green and privacy quickly. It does not require pruning. If you have a female bush that sets fruit, note that the fruit contains saponin and is toxic.

If you take a walk in Sabino Canyon, you will notice lots of hopseed bushes on the canyon slopes, particularly the shaded areas. They also seem to like growing by the road. These plants do well in our climate even without supplemental watering, but if you don’t plan to water it much you may want to put it where it will have afternoon shade. In my yard, I planted hop bush on the west and east property edges to give me more privacy from my neighbors. The east side doesn't get much sun, and I notice that these bushes tend to grow towards the light rather than growing upright.

There is a horticultural variety called purpurea which has a slight purple color. I planted both varieties in my yard and purpurea seems to do less well, particularly in the sunny locations. The regular variety is very healthy and thriving. The lovely fresh green is a nice contrast to the gray-green or olive-green that most of our plants have.

As with many of our native plants, hop bush will grow larger and faster if it is watered regularly. They do not like wet roots, however, so they should not be overwatered and should be planted in well-draining soil. They are hardy to 15 F.

Hopseed has been used by Native Americans for a number of medicinal uses, including for treatment of pain, diabetes, and high blood pressure.


  • Lush, green and attractive
  • Native and well-adapted to our climate
  • Provides habitat and food for birds
  • Great privacy hedge plant
  • Fast growing
  • Does not require pruning
  • Water needs are low once established
  • Good pool area plant


  • Can grow quite large if watered extensively; choose your site wisely.
  • Purpurea variety is less drought-tolerant and probably less hardy

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