Arizona Game and Fish Department is once again reminding people to leave baby animals alone after a "days old" whitetail fawn was found, officials said.

The department fielded calls from residents in Fort Huachuca, Ariz. about what to do with the baby left alone. 

Mark Hart, a department spokesman, said most of the time the babies are waiting for the mother to come back to feed it.

"For them to be left alone is not unusual," Hart said. He said it's best not to assume that they aren't being cared for by the mother.

He added that it's typical to see the babies as they are born during the summer. 

In times of doubt it's best to call an expert about what to do, especially if the baby animal is injured.

If someone takes a baby from its environment wildlife rehabilitators have to find a place for the animal. This could mean a life of captivity for it.

Two months ago, the department fielded over two dozen calls for Cooper's hawks, including babies, seen on the north side.

Photos of wildlife babies in Southern Arizona 

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