Canyon del Oro High School’s orchestra is seeking donations from the public.

The orchestra was invited to perform at the Carnegie Hall in New York City next March. The 40 students need to raise $75,000 to get there.

CDO’s orchestra was chosen to perform based on a competitive process that involved submitting videos of past performances.

Those who are interested in donating can contact Toru Tagawa, the orchestra director, at 520-696-5797 or visit

Learn about college admission at event

The Tucson Unified School District will host an event to help parents and students understand the college admission process on Sept. 10.

Focus on the Future is a grassroots effort by a group of women who want to help all high school students get to college.

The event, which is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Tucson High Magnet School, 400 N. Second Ave., is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.

People who are interested can sign up at

Help name new

Amphi elementary

Amphitheater School District’s new science, technology, engineering and math elementary school needs a name.

The public can submit their ideas at or on social media. The district’s moniker on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are @AmphiSchools.

Open enrollment for the school begins Sept. 6. For more information about the school, visit

Cienega student

meets Stephen King

A Cienega High School student had a chance to meet his idol.

Drew Walker of Vail traveled to Nevada to attend a book signing for his favorite author, Stephen King. There, he presented King with a signed copy of his own science fiction book.

Palo Verde class of ’66 to host reunion

Palo Verde High School’s Class of 1966 will be hosting its 50th reunion on Oct. 1.

Classes of ’64, ’65 and ’67 are also welcome to attend.

For more information about the event, visit

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Compiled by Star reporter Yoohyun Jung. Contact Yoohyun at 573-4243 or On Twitter: @yoohyun_jung