
A baby javelina and mother hurriedly cross the street with a large squadron in Suffolk Hills near Oracle and Magee roads in Oro Valley on Monday afternoon.

A baby javelina and mother hurriedly cross the street with a large squadron in Suffolk Hills near Oracle and Magee roads in Oro Valley on Monday afternoon.

Newborns up to three months old are red-brown or tan and are called “reds.” Litters are born anytime but usually born from November to March. The coming months will see coyote pups, bobcat kittens, and then deer fawns being born, said Mark Hart of Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Deer and javelina mothers may leave their offspring unattended to feed, so every year AGFD cautions the public against “rescuing” them because they are “abandoned.”

A squadron of javelinas in Suffolk Hills near Oracle and Magee roads in Oro Valley on March 20, 2023.

A javelina shows is displeasure with something the other did (or didn't do) in Suffolk Hills near Oracle and Magee roads in Oro Valley on March 20, 2023.

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Contact Rick Wiley at rwiley@tucson.com