1864: A group of residents along Granite Creek meets and establishes the town of Prescott, named after historian William Hickling Prescott.

1894: The office of President of the University of Arizona is created by the Board of Regents. F.A. Gulley served until T.B. Comstock was named the first president in spring 1894.

1910: Richard Gird, partner of Ed and Al Schiefflin in the founding of Tombstone, and known in later years as the "father of the California beet sugar industry," dies.

Also in 1910: President William Howard Taft signs Proclamation 1043, establishing Rainbow Bridge National Monument.

1935: The Governors of Arizona and Utah meet at Boulder City to unveil a memorial plaque dedicated to the 89 men killed during construction of Boulder Dam.

1996: Two men enter a Tucson smoke shop and kill an employee and a customer during a robbery. Eventually the men are sentenced to death for these murders and four others in June 1996 at the Tucson Firefighters Association Union Hall.

Want to share an important event from Tucson's history? Email it to krumore@azstarnet.com.

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