A supermarket shopper makes a light-footed dash back to her vehicle as a storm cell opened up on the northeast side of town on July 10, 2017, north of Tucson, Ariz.

After weeks of above average temperatures and very dry conditions, one of the longest no measurable rain streaks on record for Tucson is likely coming to an end today.

Expect very light showers to spread across southeast Arizona this morning. Those showers will increase in coverage and intensity this afternoon and evening, becoming widespread rain tonight and ending from west-to-east in the early morning hours of Saturday.

This will have been the sixth longest dry stretch on record, with no measurable rainfall since 106 days ago, on March 1.

High: 89

Low: 69


Clear, 73.5
Wind 3 MPH NNW, 23% humidity
UV index 5, visibility 10.0 miles
No precipitation today
No lightning strikes today


12 pm: Clear, 76.1
Wind 6 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
18% humidity, UV index 6
1 pm: Clear, 79.3
Wind 4 MPH SSE, 0% chance precip.
13% humidity, UV index 6
2 pm: Clear, 81.0
Wind 3 MPH NW, 0% chance precip.
11% humidity, UV index 5
3 pm: Clear, 81.6
Wind 3 MPH NW, 0% chance precip.
10% humidity, UV index 4
4 pm: Clear, 81.5
Wind 5 MPH NNW, 0% chance precip.
11% humidity, UV index 2
5 pm: Clear, 80.1
Wind 7 MPH NNW, 0% chance precip.
12% humidity, UV index 1
6 pm: Partly Cloudy, 76.2
Wind 6 MPH NW, 0% chance precip.
16% humidity, UV index 0
7 pm: Partly Cloudy, 70.9
Wind 4 MPH NW, 0% chance precip.
22% humidity, UV index 0
8 pm: Partly Cloudy, 67.1
Wind 3 MPH NNW, 0% chance precip.
28% humidity, UV index 0
9 pm: Partly Cloudy, 64.1
Wind 2 MPH SSW, 0% chance precip.
33% humidity, UV index 0
10 pm: Partly Cloudy, 62.3
Wind 3 MPH SSE, 0% chance precip.
36% humidity, UV index 0
11 pm: Partly Cloudy, 60.5
Wind 4 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
40% humidity, UV index 0


12 am: Partly Cloudy, 59.2
Wind 4 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
42% humidity, UV index 0
1 am: Mostly Cloudy, 58.2
Wind 5 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
43% humidity, UV index 0
2 am: Mostly Cloudy, 57.1
Wind 4 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
45% humidity, UV index 0
3 am: Mostly Cloudy, 56.1
Wind 4 MPH ESE, 0% chance precip.
48% humidity, UV index 0
4 am: Partly Cloudy, 55.5
Wind 5 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
49% humidity, UV index 0
5 am: Mostly Cloudy, 55.1
Wind 5 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
48% humidity, UV index 0
6 am: Clear, 54.8
Wind 5 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
47% humidity, UV index 0
7 am: Clear, 54.7
Wind 7 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
46% humidity, UV index 0
8 am: Clear, 57.2
Wind 7 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
40% humidity, UV index 0
9 am: Clear, 63.6
Wind 7 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
32% humidity, UV index 2
10 am: Clear, 70.7
Wind 7 MPH SE, 0% chance precip.
23% humidity, UV index 3
11 am: Partly Cloudy, 75.5
Wind 7 MPH SSE, 0% chance precip.
18% humidity, UV index 5
12 pm: Partly Cloudy, 79.8
Wind 6 MPH SSW, 0% chance precip.
15% humidity, UV index 6
1 pm: Partly Cloudy, 83.8
Wind 8 MPH SW, 0% chance precip.
13% humidity, UV index 6
2 pm: Partly Cloudy, 85.7
Wind 12 MPH WSW, 0% chance precip.
12% humidity, UV index 5
3 pm: Partly Cloudy, 85.7
Wind 14 MPH WSW, 0% chance precip.
12% humidity, UV index 3
4 pm: Partly Cloudy, 84.8
Wind 15 MPH WSW, 0% chance precip.
13% humidity, UV index 2
5 pm: Partly Cloudy, 82.5
Wind 14 MPH WSW, 4% chance precip.
13% humidity, UV index 1
6 pm: Partly Cloudy, 79.0
Wind 12 MPH WSW, 5% chance precip.
15% humidity, UV index 0
7 pm: Clear, 75.0
Wind 8 MPH WSW, 5% chance precip.
19% humidity, UV index 0
8 pm: Clear, 71.5
Wind 5 MPH SW, 0% chance precip.
23% humidity, UV index 0
9 pm: Clear, 69.0
Wind 5 MPH SSW, 0% chance precip.
24% humidity, UV index 0
10 pm: Partly Cloudy, 66.5
Wind 5 MPH SSE, 0% chance precip.
28% humidity, UV index 0
11 pm: Partly Cloudy, 64.2
Wind 5 MPH SSE, 0% chance precip.
32% humidity, UV index 0

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