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Knowing the weather can give fantasy sports players and betters the winning edge​ | Across the Sky podcast

  • Updated
  • 26 min to read

For sports fans who also play in fantasy leagues, monitoring the weather forecast can make the difference between winning or losing. Starting a player in fantasy baseball when a rainout is possible could lead to no points at that position. And picking a quarterback that's playing in a dome vs. a snowy or windy location could lead to a lot more points.

Kevin Roth, Chief Meteorologist for​, uses his weather knowledge to help fantasy sports players and sports betters decide who to start or sit and which games to wager on. Roth shares how he got into the industry, the types of sports he covers, and some of his most challenging forecasts. He also provides tips you can use before your next round of games!

Episode preview

We want to hear from you! Have a question for the meteorologists? Call 609-272-7099 and leave a message. You might hear your question and get an answer on a future episode! You can also email questions or comments to About the Across the Sky podcast The weekly weather podcast is hosted on a rotation by the Lee Weather team: Matt Holiner of Lee Enterprises' Midwest group in Chicago, Kirsten Lang of the Tulsa World in Oklahoma, Joe Martucci of the Press of Atlantic City, N.J., and Sean Sublette of the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Virginia.

Learn more about weather and sports with these past Across the Sky episodes

We want to hear from you!

Have a question for the meteorologists? Call 609-272-7099 and leave a message. You might hear your question and get an answer on a future episode! You can also email questions or comments to

About the Across the Sky podcast

The weekly weather podcast is hosted on a rotation by the Lee Weather team:

Matt Holiner of Lee Enterprises' Midwest group in Chicago, Kirsten Lang of the Tulsa World in Oklahoma, Joe Martucci of the Press of Atlantic City, N.J., and Sean Sublette of the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Virginia.

Episode transcript

Note: The following transcript was created by Adobe Premiere and may contain misspellings and other inaccuracies as it was generated automatically:

Fantasy football is in full swing now and we are talking all about that's impacting the weather with somebody whose sole job is to work in fantasy sports and what weather means to it. I'm meteorologist Joe Martucci from the lead weather team. Join with me is Matt Holiner out in the Midwest and Sean Sublette over in Richmond, Virginia.

You guys play fantasy football daily. Fantasy football? No, I'm too old. No one. No, no. Here's the thing. I would. It's not that I don't want to do it, but I feel like if I wanted to do it well, I would have to spend more time on it than I want to spend on it. Does that fall? Understand?

Is that figure? If I did it just a little bit, I would be bad. And I don't have. I. I'm for old school might just but the line that's it. Did they cover? Did they not? But nowadays there's like all these second and third derivative things. You can bet on. He is such and such going to get ten yards in the third quarter if it's raining.

I mean, there's all that kind of stuff now. So that might I'm kind of just. Did they cover or did they not cover? Although I do. I will do the over under one store. I do like the over unders fund. Yeah. Yeah. But I had Sean I'm totally with you with the fantasy sports. You know, I actually did it the most in high school.

I go when I had the most free time back in the old high school days. I did it in fantasy baseball, fantasy football. And then I laid off as a gone to college. I laid off the the fantasy baseball and just it fantasy football. And I did it for a couple of years out of college. But then I just got busier and busier.

And again, I enjoyed it. But it's one of those things I maybe enjoyed it too much, and I always got frustrated when I wasn't doing good and I felt like I had to commit more time to it in order to do well. And as I started to do worse because I couldn't spend as much time on, it's like I'm not I'm just not going to do it.

I don't like losing. I hear you, man. I used to do like, size it, I think had some kind of fantasy. Oh, wow. Sports Illustrated. Yeah. It was like a basic HTML web page. It was a long time ago. Yeah, I used to do three fantasy football leagues, then went down to two, and now I'm just in one.

I'm the commissioner of a fantasy football league that we've been doing for 12 years. So this is a serious line and it's a 14 team. So if you're not the fantasy football, 14 teams is on the bigger and for a number players in there but we have fun in this year actually we just got a trophy for the first time or and it is a we like trophy I don't have the fortune you know So anyway enough about our fantasy football.

We'll talk to you about your fantasy sports team or your daily fantasy sports with Kevin Roth from He is a meteorologist who like he says in the in the interview here just fell into it one day and has loved it ever since with Alfred you again turn it over and we are really happy to welcome on our guests today Kevin Roth.

He is an Emmy award winning broadcast meteorologist in Houston, Texas. And his love of weather and sports took him in a very unique direction. Evan is a sports meteorologist for That means fantasy sports and more. His sports centric weather forecasts have been featured on Weather Channel, Fox Weather, CBS Sports, Forbes and more, including this very podcast year cabin.

And all of his sports weather analysis can be found on Twitter or X, whatever you're calling it nowadays at having Roth w x happen. Welcome to the show. And am I going to win my fantasy football season here? Rethink As long as you're paying attention to the weather, I like your chances. Thanks for having me on. I'm excited to kind of chat about, you know, how I've ended up in this weird niche that I've got.

Yeah, let's dive into it. Because, you know, I think, you know, I think of myself, I use Yahoo fantasy sports and I see that little weather icon on there. And me as a meteorologist, I'm like, Oh, it's like all these other, you know, iPhone generic weather app stuff on there. But if you really are in the game of fantasy sports and sports betting, you know, weather does play a role and you'll want to pay attention to it.

So where did you go to school? How did you get interested in the weather and what brought you to Roanoke? Yeah, it was a weird journey to get here, but I've always wanted to to be a TV meteorologist my whole life, even when I wasn't sure how. You know, just as a kid, like, what do you want to be?

I was like, I want to do that. And sure enough, that ended up going to school, got my master's degree at Mississippi State in meteorology and started doing the normal TV grind, small markets and Mississippi up to Louisiana. And eventually I landed in in Dallas and I thought, okay, this is this is what I want to do. I want to do the TV gig forever.

And then I randomly got an email from a friend who said, Hey, I've got a random coworker who's looking to hire a meteorologist for something. I don't even know what it is, but you should reach out. And I was like, okay, well, you know, why not? And I reached out and they said they needed one who loves weather and sports, but also was, you know, down to just kick back and drink a beer.

And I was like, well, that that is me. It's that is entirely me. And that's how I got linked up with with the Rotogrinders team started our time and it's just been growing and building. And you mentioned those icons. You know, when you look at Yahoo, it turns out people have a need for legitimate sports weather information, not just, you know, stupid little icon with rain that may or may not help anyone.

But yeah. So, you know, tell us about Rotogrinders, the Web site besides the weather. What can you find on there? Yes, Rotogrinders is primarily for folks who play daily fantasy sports, like on DraftKings and band tool. So these are often, you know, more invested in more intense fantasy players. And Rotogrinders gives people the plays, the information, the choices.

It breaks down everything you could fathom. And I'm kind of the weather arm of that company. I'm just separate, you know, a little art of of that website that says, oh, by the way, while you're factoring out all these other things, keep in mind, winds are going to be 20 miles per hour in this game. And that could have, you know, impacts X, Y and Z.

Hey, Kevin, Sean, over here. Now we're getting into football season or we're in football season. I'm imagining this is the busiest time. But is is that is that a, you know, incorrect? As I know, baseball obviously has as a big impact. You've got wind, you've got humidity, you've got heat. But in terms of how busy you're going to be, is this kind of prime time.

So I think I'd say that NFL, once you get into football, that's when I have the greatest audience, because fantasy football is massive compared to, say, fantasy baseball, which is, you know, kind of a much smaller community. But I'm definitely busiest during baseball season because it's every single day there's, you know, 12 to 15 games, seven days a week and baseball games get legitimately rained out.

That's something you don't see in football all the time. But in baseball, you play these guys in fantasy and the game gets rained out. You get zero points. So that is that is really when I am at my most important is during those Reynolds and then Kevin for football what are the main things that you're looking at What is your audience looking for as far as the weather information for football games?

I think the audience is getting smarter. It used to be people would say, Oh, it's it's really cold in this spot. And the truth is the temperature doesn't really matter. Rain and snow has some impact on the game, but rain and snow and poor footing impacts the offense and the defense in particular snow, which is the one element that only impacts the offense is the wind.

That is the only time when those quarterbacks drop back and throw the ball. If those winds are sustained 15 to 20 miles per hour or higher, you see significant downgrades in passing yards in total scoring. Those are the games that we really try to target and those are also the games that are easier to forecast for days out.

So that helps the sports betting a bit as well. Or is with rain, do you really know if it's going to rain specifically? At one point at one time or four days out? Probably not. But with wind you can have a pretty good idea in advance. Tell us what your day is, white or football season here and are there other sports, you know, in the fall that you're looking at, you know, being after most of the fantasy baseball season, is it really just football in October and November?

So tell us what a week looks like for you now, now that we're kind of closing our baseball season still, the first thing is wake up. Look at the forecasts for football. I daily keep things updated because as far as sports betting goes, people want to know this information as it comes out. It started off with my job.

I could just give one update a week before the game and everyone's like, Oh, this is great. But as you start giving out that content, people of course want more and more of that content. So I keep the the forecasts up essentially all week long. Twitter hits. I do PR hits like kind of what I'm doing now in a sense, weather and sports is super interesting.

People want to talk about it. So part of my job is not just giving the weather, but it's also using weather as an in or PR to help my company. So that's why I'm on the Weather Channel and Fox Weather and these various podcasts letting people know that there is a spot where you can find good sports weather information and then hopefully people come over to Rotogrinders and take a look at that and seeing what else the site offers.

So is there kind of a slower time once we get baseball and football, which I think are the other two busy outdoor seasons? Do you go into a slower time there in late winter, early spring? You know, football's done. Baseball hasn't started spring training yet. Is that is that a time to kind of regroup or are there other little things going on out there?

Well, there's always golf. Yeah. In general, I'd say that is a slower time, but that's when people start asking about, you know, how's the soccer game look? How's the golf, how's the NASCAR? You know, there's there's always some outdoor sporting event to to forecast for. And a lot of these sports golf in particular has a massive weather impact on those winds in particular.

So there's always content to be had. But during those slower times, that's when I can set up a lot of the PR work that I do as well. And Kevin, just to clarify, are you the only meteorologist I wrote a Grinder's or are you old and if you are, are you looking to expand anytime soon? And you know of any other meteorologists out there that are focused on fantasy sports like you maybe not at Rotogrinders, but at other places.

So I'm the only one that that does it for Rotogrinders. And it is, you know, seven days a week. It's it's got its perks because I'm working from home. But it also is especially during baseball season, it's a grind seven days a week and it's pretty high stakes with rain outs. I don't know of anyone else who is currently doing it.

I've seen some other folks kind of dabbling in in sports weather, but to my knowledge, I think I'm the only one who consistently is cranking that out and who is paid to do that job. And I'm happy with that. That works for me. Kevin You know, I as someone in New Jersey, you know, we were the first to legalize sports betting.

Yeah, back in. What was it now? I can't remember five or six years ago. So we're very used to it here in New Jersey with the sports betting. But I want to talk to explain to people how your job or does it differ between actual sports betting on the event and daily fantasy sports? Are there different things people are looking for when it comes to football season in that?

It's a great question. I think the biggest difference is that for daily fantasy sports, you're essentially making these lineups and these players salaries are set each and every week at the start. So you pay $8,000 for this good player, whereas sports betting, the lines are always evolving. So they'll say, okay, we're expecting 50 points total in this football game, but if the forecast starts showing high wins, then that total will begin to drop.

And by the time you get to Thursday, it's 48 points and by Friday it's 46 points. And as that total drops, you're losing your opportunity to get your money in at a good time, at a smart line. So for sports betting, you need to be able to get the information earlier and still be certain that that that is going to happen.

You don't want to make a bet where the weather never comes through for you, but you need that content earlier for sports betting. Whereas for fantasy sports, so long as you know it by Sunday morning, that's fine. On that note, I've got some friends who do a lot of commodity forecasting, you know, whether it's agriculture or agribusiness energy trading.

And they will tell me it's like, you know what, Shawn Sousa knew GFC drops. I see the markets move this way. I see the markets move that way. Is there anything similar to that in sports betting like, oh, the new GFC has come in, it's windier, the line has dropped just like you alluded to. Or is that still not quite.

Are we still not quite there yet? Yeah, I don't think that most people are that in-tune or that advanced with the forecast yet. I would say if anything moves, it might be like when I put my article out, like I want to get my forecast out. I think the average band is kind of just looking at those icons like we talked about.

They're not that invested in it and gradually people are learning, eh, that it does matter and B they're learning what matters as well. They're learning that it's the wind and not so much the rain. They're learning the things that really do matter. Awesome. Well, thanks a lot so far, Cavendish. It's all good stuff. I'm learning a lot. You could check him out again on Rotogrinders.

We're gonna take a brief break and come back on the other side. You're listening Across the Sky podcast.

And welcome back, everybody, to the Across the Sky podcast with the Lee Weather team. You can find new episodes of the Across the Sky podcast every Monday on your favorite news website or wherever you get your podcasts. And we are talking with none other than Kevin Roth from Rotogrinders, meteorologist for Rotogrinders. Yes, a sports betting and fantasy site does have a meteorologist and Kevin's been explaining all series.

It's a wide juicier. So, you know, Kevin, when you're you know, it looks like you're doing a lot of videos here. You know, people they can't see it now, but you're in front of a green screen at your house. Tell me what it's like making these videos. Is it are people giving you requests for videos? Are you determining what's going out?

How does that work? I'm kind of my own boss in the in the weather department, so I just find high impact events, whether it's this weekend and football, I guess this podcast is airing a little later. But whether it's a weekend in football or a golf event or whatever it is, it's a high enough impact event and there's a weather forecast you can get out.

People want the information, they'll share the information, and it just kind of grows organically that way. With the green screen, everything, it's kind of amazing, right? Like how low the cost of technology is to produce videos now. I mean, you know, you don't need the full TV studio. They're great, obviously. Right? We all have experience and it's are wonderful.

But what's your setup like at home and how much did it cost you? Oh, it was nothing. I mean, I've got a pop up green screen that, you know, is maybe 100 bucks. I got a webcam and a microphone and and that's all I really need to get things done. And we do have I got to give a shout out to wrote about it.

We have a great production team that can help. They put together a lot of the videos. So I just basically go in front of my green screen. I talk about the forecast and then they make it look really pretty. So shout out, shout out to the behind the scenes crew. Yeah, shouts Roto Grind. Yeah. And as far as graphics go, are you using any kind of all weather graphics package or is it the folks are Rotogrinders kind of helping create the graphics for you?

Yeah, they're creating the graphics for me and that might be the next step for me is to be able to create all of my own content. I'm not quite there yet, and as far as needing to do that because I'm happy with the setup with Rotogrinders, but that'd be the next setup if I could somehow get a max box or something and have legitimate up to date, you know, weather graphics, it'd be fantastic.

I'd love that. You have any interesting stories about one particular event or a couple of particular events that went really well? And conversely, if you want to talk about it, maybe not so well, I mostly have ones that have gone bad with you. You know, the forecast that you hit, you're expected to hit them so those don't stand out.

It's the ones that go wrong, that stand out, because I've got 60,000 people on Twitter barking at me when it goes wrong. So those those are the ones that I remember. There's been rain outs. You know, I'm thinking in baseball in particular, the Washington Nationals famous for weather shenanigans, they have postpone the game for rain when they did not get a single drop of rain.

So I had the game is it was all green. It was all good. Nothing could go wrong. They postponed the game. It never rained and you know, people don't understand why it was postponed. They just know that you were wrong and the game got postponed. So, you know, I hear about that. There was a postponement a few years ago in San Diego for rain.

It result. I don't know if it barely drizzled. I don't even know how they postponed it, but they're just not used to drizzle there. So there's been some some ones that stand out on the negative end just because I clearly remember those moments. Well, yeah, I got to imagine, too, you're probably doing some of these international games, too, right?

And how did that work out for you? That can be a bit of a struggle because my usual tools like the the RR model and a lot of these things that I generally used or North American forecasting, well, that doesn't apply. So that can be a bit of a struggle. The weather patterns are very different. Golf is a big one where they're always in the UK or Scotland, you know, they're always somewhere.

While that seems like those can be a struggle, plus the timing of those is at odd times when I might apt to stay awake later than I want to or wake up earlier than I want you to get the latest data. And then I have for Major League Baseball and NFL. We're going to go with both most challenging place to forecast for.

Is there one that stands out You were always that gives you more trouble more often than not in the NFL and MLB. Yeah, and MLB, it is most definitely in Washington. And it's not so much the weather pattern. It's it's the organization. Some organizations like the Twins, they've got meteorologists on staff and they are so well prepared and they communicate the expectations and what they plan to do about rain that's coming.

And other organizations like the Washington Nationals, they give you enough that they give you nothing and they just will postpone at the drop of a hat. Or maybe they'll wait out the rain for 5 hours. You just have no idea. And that's the challenging part of my job sometimes is not just nailing the weather, but trying to figure out the organization and response to the weather That is every bit as important for fantasy players, but it's a whole lot harder to figure out.

And then as far as football goes, you know, you've got some good ones, man. Buffalo might be buffalo in the wintertime. You know, you get those snow bands or it might be feet of snow, or if they're just on the other edge, it might be an inch. Yeah, it's it is just a sharp delineation and forecasting for Buffalo is always fun and kind of terrifying.

Now I want to go back to the stadiums. You're like, is that just experience over time? Like what the threshold is for postponing or do you actually meet with the teams? How does that work? It's just learned experience over time. And I think that is is one thing. I've been doing this for ten years that I've really started to learn to get an understanding of how certain organizations work, which organizations communicate better, which organizations are more patient, like the Colorado Rockies, they'll wait out anything.

They're a fantastic organization. Or even if I see storms in the forecast, I know unless it floods in that ballpark, they're going to get that game in. And that just comes with with doing this year in and year out. There's also incredible microclimates in these various ballparks. Whereas in Wrigley, if the winds are blowing out in Wrigley, this is a massive, massive advantage to hitters, whereas there are other ballparks like in San Francisco, they built that park to minimize wind impacts.

So the same wind blowing out at 10 to 15 miles per hour does almost nothing in one ballpark or in the other one. And it has a massive impact. And you just got to learn those those differences. Yeah, I was thinking about that, too, with regard not just to baseball, but football. I mean, all these I mean, we don't have football stadiums nowadays that are open on one end and anymore those are pretty much a bygone era.

But I always think about the swirling nature of wind and a high wind impact. And in your experience doing this for ten years and there's a high wind event and I see high wind 15, 20, not you, not dangerous, Right. But is there a consistency to like, okay, I know the wind is going to be from this direction and it's going to be about this speed.

So this consistently does X or Y and this stadium or that stadium with regard to football, because from my mind I'm like, well, if it's a it's a stadium encircled and it's a we're going to down I always have trouble with that do those microclimate what what have you learned with respect to that over the years. That's a great question and it's it matters, you know, what stadium you're talking about.

I can think of some on the negative end like in Cleveland when those winds come in it it swirls. It has a huge impact in Cleveland in particular. And there are there are some places where I've learned it matters a lot. And I also have a tool where I've it's called Weather Edge. And essentially we've pulled all the data from every single game in each stadium, all of the weather data.

And we've seen, okay, if the winds are 15 to 20 miles per hour from this direction, this is how it's impact passing yards, scoring. And so it can help me digest what the impact is because I've got the statistics on on all of it. Moneyball. Yes. Yes. So I want to know. Right. So it's Sunday, right? It's NFL Sunday.

Are you like Scott Hansen and just sitting in one place all day long, not go into the bathroom waiting for all the games to finish? What what is it like for you? I'd I'd Sunday it's very busy leading up to kick off you know like trying to get the forecast out and doing all the PR hits and getting the tweets out.

I generally just get to enjoy the games. But if there is weather games, if there's rain games or win games, I want to watch them. I want to see how that 20 mile per hour wind impacted this game. I want to see how the team adjusted their game plan because of the rain. So I tried to make a conscious effort to watch any impact to weather games, but I still do it, you know, as a fan just as much as I'm doing it.

You know, as a professional. I'm going to follow up, too, because we didn't actually ask this question. Are you doing college football as well? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This seems like a lot more places are slightly. BERNERO The space is so many games. There's so many games are you do it all the yeah one so yeah I'm trying yes I'm trying it's much harder to keep up consistently with the forecast.

I'm not admittedly a massive college football fan. So first you know Mike All right. This school, I don't know where it is, so I got to Google, right? Where is this school? And like, do they have a dome? And I got to Google, you know, do they have a dome? And it's it's a Ross s and I'm it's one of those things.

This is new to me the college football I've only done for a couple of years. And as I learn just like I've learned through MLB and NFL, I'll get better at it. But right now, that is it's kind of the bane of my existence. It's college football. Yeah, because I'm thinking of like Wyoming, like they're 7200 feet high places, Crazy stuff, you know?

Yeah. Always windy. Yeah. It's it's fun because you can get some really wild games. But also if I have a weakness, it's my lack of knowledge in that sport, you know. Oh, it's going to be windy here. So take the under Well turns out these two teams just run the wildcat and they don't pass anyway. So then the winds don't matter.

You know, I don't know those nuances in college like I do the other sports. And then, Kevin, I'm curious about how much the wind direction does matter because you're talking about the orientation of the stadiums. Like, I would think that the wind speed itself is probably the biggest factor about how strong the winds are, regardless of direction. But how big a role do you think wind direction does play into football games and baseball?

You're right. You know, it's wind strength first and foremost, and then it's orientation. But in baseball, the two are tied in, Right? We don't care how strong the winds are in baseball, we care. Are the winds blowing now and are they going to carry it all, run balls or are they blowing in and they're going to suppress homeruns?

So in baseball, those two things are tied in. And equally important, whereas in football, as a general rule, it's a crosswind that is most impactful because if you get these winds parallel with the field and sure, one team is at a disadvantage and they're throwing into the wind, but the other team has the wind at their back and they can they can move the ball pretty efficiently.

And then of course, that switches through the game. But if you get a crosswind, that's both teams, you get a 20 plus mile per hour crosswind. Any throw over 20 yards is not on a line that's going to get blown off course and it leads to more incompletions or more turnovers and then going off for college football because I think I open the can of worms that I didn't mean to, but I'm thinking about like I can't read what it's called by Dave the college basketball game every year it's on an aircraft carrier outside.

You know, I'm talking about I do know the basketball game. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing that you what do you do for that? How does that work? Yeah, I don't know. That's the other problem with college football is that there are all these games where you think it's the home team's game, but it turns out they're playing at a at a neutral site.

I'm just basically trying to keep my head above water and give people some semblance of what to expect in college football. And I would say my expertise certainly lies in baseball, NFL and PGA gods. So college basketball on the aircraft carrier? Not really. Not not really the forte yet. There are some fun niche forecasts like the Winter Classic in the NHL is an outdoor event.

And you know, if it's really cold and the goalkeepers sit there in the freezing cold or everybody else is skating around and warming up at the goal is just they're freezing like is that could impact him. That's a good point. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Nathan's hot dog contests all my guys. Yeah. Is it going to be 90 degrees when these guys are choking down hot dogs?

That's give me the under there. You're not eating 72 hot dogs. If it's 94, I'm going to follow up on that. So what do you think of this year's hot dog eating contest with the rain delay? It was the first ever it was amazing. That was like that was my Christmas. We had my Twitter was blow it up.

People like, what do we do? Wrath is are they going to come back? Oh, I really enjoyed that. And I do love kind of those events in baseball. They've got the Field of Dreams game where they go out into Iowa. Yeah, Iowa and they've got the corn arounds. And I was telling everyone about corn sweat, how that corn leads to really high dew point, high humidity.

And a high dew point is good for the ball carrying. And so I was like, all right, you know, take the overseer, We got the corn sweat overs and they must hit like eight home runs in that game. And so the corn sweat overs were were a fantastic bet. And David, I'm thinking about some of the other podcasts that we've done talking about weather in sports and some of the other sports that have come up have been horse racing and NASCAR.

Do you do anything with those a little bit? Again, I'd say I more so dabble in that. There is a big demand for it, but I'm not too familiar with horse racing and I'm not too familiar with NASCAR. So if people ask me, I'll forecast for it. But I don't truly know what impact that has and how we can bet on those things.

And that's the thing about sports weather is that if you don't fully understand both sides of it, both the weather and the sport itself, then you're not going to be able to give and communicate really good advice. So those sports just aren't my niche, at least not yet. I think that's all we got. Unless. Shawn, you have a final question.

No, I am good. This has been fabulous. Yeah, I can hang out with you guys, so I guess we could do this for another 30 minutes. This is a blast. I mean, we might have. Maybe we'll have you for the hot dog eating contest. A part to bring a part to those I love. Now, this is great. I'm trying to think if there's anything we haven't achieved.

Anything you want to add? Well, okay, but I'll. I'll throw this out. I mean, I think they're going be some people listening to this. You know, one thing we like about this podcast is exposing people to other jobs. And meteorologists have besides the guys on TV because that's their most familiar reporters, our media folks and the bi people business like and weather and sports.

That's two things I love. Oh yeah. And advice for people. I mean, I guess that could be creating competition for you. But people who want to get into where where you are and want to, you know, look at this world of weather and sports. You have any advice for people who are looking to come in to this world?

Because I think it's only going to be growing. Sounds like you could use some pretty. Yeah. So advice for folks who want to get into this world of weather and sports. Yeah. Well, whether it's you know, whether and sports or just to weather and fill in the blank with your passion whatever it is, there's probably a market for it.

And if it's weather and sports and you just put out good free content and create a name for yourself, like that's what it's all about. And I'm fortunate to have and a first mover advantage. I was the first person doing it and that certainly helped. But if you just get your name out there, anyone is starved for content these days, right?

Any and all media sources are looking for content. So if you're willing to do free work to build your brand and build your name, that will eventually lead to paid work. I feel confident in saying that I agree. Good, good life advice. You're of right on, guys. Sports. It's so fun. Every day I wake up and I'm like, What's the exciting sports weather thing going to be today?

But it's a great job. Yeah, no, totally. And since we you know, since I reached out to you, I've been following you on on Twitter and just some like you pointed out. And so it's it's it's relevant. It's just kind of what it's like to see sports and sports betting, whether it's great. I love it. So I really appreciate you coming on and sharing with us about this and a different way to look at weather forecasting.

But you can go to, That's where you can find Karen or his Twitter or page, whatever you're calling it. That's at Evan Roth W AX cabin. We love that I'm beyond and I think we're going to bring you on for a part two at some point in the future. So so thanks a lot. I love it, guys.

Thank you so much for having me. And if anybody's out there and you're thinking, all right, I'm fantasy sports, what do I do with this weather? If it's winds over 20 miles per hour, don't play the receivers, don't play quarterback, everything else, you're probably in pretty good shape. Good piece of advice. Thanks a lot, Carrie. We appreciate the time.

Thank you.

Hope you guys all loved that interview with Kevin And, you know, having a good point at the end with the Winter Classic. And it's always getting cold. I never thought of that. And as somebody who plays hockey, that actually makes a good point. If you're standing around all day and it's ten or 12 degrees, you may not be at your sharpest, But what did you think, Matt, what you think of the pod?

Well, you know, again, we we've said this on every episode we've done with about how weather impacts sports and you can really dive into some some tiny details like he mentioned, the heat in Iowa, the corn sweat and the added humidity and how that impacts home runs. And then also his discussion about wind direction and wind speed. Now, wind speed is really the biggest impact when you look at baseball and football.

And it was interesting, wind speed more but more so than wind direction, especially for football. And I never thought about that. It's more the crosswinds rather than being parallel with the football field, because those crosswinds impact both teams instead of one team occasionally having an advantage for half of the game and then a disadvantage the other half a game.

So it's actually more impact, more crosswinds. But then I had to think like, you must have some crazy number of bookmarks because you have to look at every stadium if you want to figure out which wind direction is going to be, most of it is going to be a parallel win or is it going to be across the field?

And so you have to think about the orientation of each stadium. So I imagine it's this crazy number of bookmarks somewhere with all these different stadiums to see their orientation. So you can I mean, it sounds like you need some help. And I feel like that I think they need to expand their weather team. I think they need to hire some additional meteorologists.

I bet there's some folks listening to this podcast will be like, hey, I'll sign up for that. Yeah, I suspect you're right. Yeah, hopefully. Yeah, it's a cool website. It is. Twitter page is good because he does get into the nitty gritty of some of these games when he like rain out the ballparks. And so she has again to football.

You know we continue to get into football season and snow starts coming everyone loves that first snow game of the year, which is usually somewhere at a college football stadium in the Rockies in like late October, early November. And then it starts writing as it go on that that's what we have for this episode of the Across the Sky podcast.

You can always send us your questions via email at podcast at Leeds. And that we also have a phone number as well. Leave a voicemail. We have actually gotten a couple of voicemails. We haven't shared any on the pod, but if you did want to do that, you certainly could. Our phone number for that. It's 6092727099 again. 6092727099.

As we say, every episode, we've got more episodes for you on what's happening. We have lined up for you and as we go into the month of October, we are going to be talking about what we can learn from the past with Mike Mann. Dr. Mike Mann he's most, I would say, famously known for the hockey stick diagram of greenhouse gas emissions and rising temperatures on the earth.

That's coming up. We'll have more for you as well as we go deeper into the fall. So for Sean Sublette and Matt Holiner and Kirsten Lang, who couldn't be with us, I'm meteorologist Joe Martucci. And thanks again for listening the Across the Sky podcast.

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