Ukraine and how it will end

The only way NATO and the USA could get complete support from NATO and USA populations was to promise that none of these nations would be compelled to send military forces against Russia.

What we will see as an outcome will be either Ukraine with eastern borders pushed back/expanded to the borders at the end of WWII and controlled by Russia, or real war waged until one side is defeated in combat.

It cannot end any other way.

Michael Nichols

Southeast side

Rosemont recharge of CAP water

Re: the Jan. 8 article “Rosemont given OK to store CAP water.”

Be a good neighbor, Tucson.

Since the CAP Board’s approval of Rosemont Copper’s 10-year water storage agreement, the mayor and council have shown its opposition to having Hudbay voluntarily recharge approximately 1,250 acre-feet of their allocation of CAP water in the lower basin. I believe their disdain for Rosemont Copper is blinding their vision of good water policy for the future. The CAP board recognized recharging at this location is good water management and helps our neighbors to the south, Sahuarita and Green Valley

Hudbay continues to follow through on their agreement to build the water lines that will allow our friends to the south to have direct access to the CAP in the future regardless of the status of the Rosemont projects.

There is roughly 7,000 acre-feet of recharge capacity in the lower basin recharge facility. It’s time the city officials act as good neighbors and either utilize the lower basin for recharge or let Hudbay do it.

Rick Grinnell, co-founder of Southern Arizona Business Coalition

East side

COVID-19 and the Spanish flu

It was announced recently that worldwide deaths from COVID-19 have exceeded 6 million. Every single death is a tragedy, but I would like to compare these deaths with the Spanish flu of 1918. There were no official figures documenting the exact number of worldwide deaths, but the estimates are from 20 million to 50 million. The population of the world in 1918, at 1.8 billion, was about one-fourth of what it is now — this equates to 80 million to 200 million current deaths. I believe 100 years from now, the Spanish flu will be remembered for the number of deaths, but COVID-19 will be remembered only for the political and dysfunctional way it was handled.

Douglas R. Holm

East side

Asylum seekers before homeless

What if the county supported the homeless as much as they do the asylum seekers? What if we used the $7.9 million the county spent on migrants since 2021 for our own citizens? Here is just one idea: Using Pima County-owned land, we could have built a great campground for our homeless. It could have had overhead solar for shade and electricity. We could have built restrooms, bathing and laundry facilities. This campground could have been a wonderful steppingstone for many of those fighting for survival. $7.9 million isn’t a huge amount of money, but it could have been a start of something that helped a number of people to get back on their feet. I wonder why we prioritize one group over the other.

John Calloway

East side

Ukraine in NATO is a red herring

Re: the March 9 letter “Ukraine joining NATO.”

The writer, as a few previous contributors, seems to feel Russia’s concerns about Ukraine potentially becoming a NATO partner provide some level of justification for proactive defensive actions. Based upon Putin’s obvious disregard for truth and his previous Crimea “annexation,” methinks more is at play. He has two NATO members (Estonia and Latvia) already bordering his country, but apparently of no concern. Making the Ukraine part of the motherland will only up that by four more in Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. The simple fact is he knows Ukraine is a economic crown jewel and key to further incursions. The NATO treaty became a necessity with Russia’s blatant territorial expansionism displayed in Czechoslovakia and Berlin following WWII. If Putin really wants to be free from NATO presence he should not emulate his Soviet predecessors and stick to bare chested horseback riding.

Tom Hansen

North side

Russian letter Z must be zapped

In Russia, the “Z” is fast becoming seen as a staunchly pro-war symbol of President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. It has been sported by politicians, seen on the sides of cars, vans and bus shelters. Recently, Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak is facing disciplinary proceedings by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) for displaying the letter “Z” on his singlet at the podium next to a Ukrainian rival in Qatar. What Ukraine and the rest of the world view the Russian “Z” as, zealot for Putin and zorino for the lies and misinformation he spreads to his people and the rest of the world. In reality, Putin is less than zero. Ukraine and the world need to zap the Russian “Z” along with Putin and his army.

Max LaPlante

Southeast side

Punishing Putin at the pump

Remembering the horror and anguish I felt when that apartment building collapsed in Florida, killing hundreds under falling rubble, I feel avenging anger toward the psychopath commander of Russia’s army as he orders them to blow up dozens of apartment buildings in Ukraine, every night. President Biden is now leading the world to block Russia’s largest source of income by ending the purchase of Russia’s oil. That raises the price of oil, but I’m willing to pay more for gasoline because it punishes Putin.

We must assure, however, that those higher gasoline prices do not bestow higher profits on gas and oil companies. Those profits must be taxed, and the money must be used to supply Ukraine with all the resources they need to punch out Putin’s army.

Let’s punish Putin at the pump to punch out Putin’s army!

Bruce Joffe

South Tucson

Reject all lies

Re: the March 9 letter “Lies of Russia.”

The letter talked about Putin’s egregious lies being told to the Russian people about the Ukraine invasion and war. It ended saying that Americans should be sure not to fall for these lies from Russia or any other country. A very large number of Americans bought, swallowed and still embrace the lies of Donald Trump, including The Big Lie that the election was stolen. Serial liars Putin and Trump both count on, and prey on, people who don’t question the lies. The difference is that here in America, the truth is readily available for those who desire it and believe that truth matters.

Deb Klumpp

Oro Valley

Oil and gas drilling

I can’t believe how the Republicans keep blaming Biden for the lack of oil and gas to get us through the Russian embargo. If people would check, there are about 9,000 gas and oil permits that have been issued but not used. I think the companies that own these permits could have been producing enough oil and gas to get us through these times. These permits have been issued by the Biden Administration and the previous administration as well. This is the perfect time to expand our renewable energy sources so we don’t have to depend on the likes of Putin, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela.

Neil Norton

Oro Valley

Energy alternatives

Re: the March 10 letter “America must produce more oil.”

As I read this letter I reflected on how I’ve been thinking just the opposite. Banning the import of oil from Russia could be an incentive to increase our production of alternative forms of energy. Juxtaposing Thursday’s letter was the Opinion page cartoon of a burning house representing climate change with a nonchalant couple, lounging in the front yard, saying “I suppose somebody should maybe do something about that … eventually.” Is it going to raise gas prices to ban Russian oil? Of course. Is it going to cost a lot to combat climate change? Yes. Will the cost in lives and destruction of our planet be even higher without those efforts? Absolutely!

Sister Karen Berry


Sinema is stateswoman

I did not vote for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, but I will next time. She is a principled, honest stateswoman. She votes for what she thinks is the best for this country, and I admire her. Sen. Mark Kelly is the direct opposite. He votes a straight party-line vote for the Democrat agenda.

Mark Kendall


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