Expel Rep. Gosar

Re: the Nov. 13 article “GOP leaders silent on violent rhetoric.”

Is Rep. Paul Gosar’s recent anime video showing violent images against a colleague and the president really any different from Kathy Griffin’s admittedly tasteless 2017 photo of herself with a mask of Trump that looked like a decapitated head? Ms. Griffin was fired from her job at CNN, blacklisted from any other work for a number of years, threatened with federal charges of conspiracy to assassinate the president, and put on the terrorist no-fly list. My guess is that Mr. Gosar will get nothing but a slap on the wrist and the undying admiration of his fellow Republican politicians and voters. No doubt donations are pouring into his office in support. Yet, oh how the Republicans would howl if anyone said anything nasty, let alone violent, about the former president — those people were traitors!

I hope that Republican hypocrisy won’t win the day yet again. Mr. Gosar should be expelled from the House for what he calls a “statement on immigration.” I call it menacing and unhinged.

Karen Carson


Addressing the ambivalence of Black voters

Re: the Nov. 12 article “Ambivalence of Black voters isn’t enough.”

After reading LZ Granderson’s column about the ambivalence of Black voters, I admit as an old white guy that I am incredulous. I suggest that much of the Democrats’ agenda has been stymied by the party’s inability to reason with two unreasonable U.S. senators who were elected as Democrats; but talk and behave like Republicans. Congressional Democrats are engaged in a battle with themselves to get enough support to pass two exceptional pieces of legislation which respond to needs of everybody: urban and rural, white or non-white, Democrat or Republican. Does Granderson not recognize there are equal opportunity components in those important legislative packages? Does Granderson not understand that a larger Democratic majority in the Senate that renders Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema irrelevant will allow Democrats to move the “meaningful legislation” that he refers to? Also, Granderson might want to address the actions by the executive branch, particularly the Department of Justice, to address issues of concern to minority communities.

Paul Waugaman

East side

Steller on Blake Masters

Re: the Nov 14 article “Candidate reveals self with attack on friend.”

Well done, Tim. I appreciate your piece in the Sunday paper about Blake Masters. It is so important for Tucsonans to know the background to a candidate’s political views. In Masters’ case, I was struck most by the fact that he compares those of us on the left to viruses and that he found communists in a Tucson high school.

Jeff Eighmy


Restaurant servers and masks

I was recently in a store that sells bagels and saw a total reversal of the norm: all the customers were wearing masks (most were standing in line, not seated at tables) and none of the servers behind the counter were. I took a double-take to make sure I was seeing things correctly. When I asked the server about it, she responded that the vaccinated employees were given a choice and it gets too hot in there for them. I say, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” I admire these young, hardworking employees. They were doing a great job and were so friendly to all. This “choice” though, is being very irresponsible to their customers and I no longer will be one.

Sam Prouty


Who is really working to put America first?

We have seen and heard those who want to put America first; the Jan. 6 mob, rioters, Mr. Trump spewing hatred and chaos to anyone who will listen, but who really saved America? My guess is those who have the most to lose; not merely Democrats but Republicans as well — those 12 Republicans who have drawn the hatred and reprisal of fellow Republicans and face the loss of their leadership assignments!

It is bizarre that those members actually saved America — despite the danger — yet Mr. Trump says he is still trying to “save” America even as he declares war against “RINOs”, “sellouts and other losers” who have stepped forward to really save America with their vote. My guess is that the real sellouts and losers are those that lack the courage to condemn the violence and rhetoric from the last president, who seems to still be trying to be a “contender,” but like Marlon Brando, he will still be echoing those infamous words “I could have been a contender.”

Richard Rebl

East side

Less is more

The climate summit is over but unfortunately the climate crisis is not. Many promises were made and many will be broken. The emergencies of today continue to override the emergencies of tomorrow. The climate is unstable and yet we stay the course of overconsumption. Can we change course? Will we change course? That is the question. Are we willing to change our ways? With our society dependent on consumerism, the only way to change is stop consuming so much – so much gas, so much food, so many goods. As consumers, we can determine and demand what products we want — more fuel-efficient cars, more environmentally friendly goods, more sustainable energy sources. But, we the people, must demand it. We can’t keep waiting for others to do it. As we enter into the holiday season, let’s not just buy to buy. Let’s consider each purchase carefully. Overconsumption is not the answer. If we want clean air, a stable climate, and a healthy future, remember that less is more.

Maggie Kraft

North side

Educate yourself on both sides

Re: the Nov. 12 article “With white privilege, jail is easy.’

Thank you for bringing back Leonard Pitts to the Star Editorial Page. His comments on racial prejudice are right to the point. In his column he highlighted a 10-month prison sentence that has been given to a Jan. 6th rioter during which time she plans to catch up on her reading. He compared this sentence to a couple of Black prisoners who are currently in prison for many years for minor drug offenses. We white Star readers need to read Mr. Pitts’ insightful opinions.

Susan Girardeau

Green Valley

Two can play the game

Now that the City of Tucson has decided to raise the water rates for residents of unincorporated Pima County, the county should raise the sewer rates for City of Tucson residents and lower the bills for residents of unincorporated areas! I’m sure a “consultant” can be hired to confirm that it costs more to serve city residents.

Gerald Lavallee

Southeast side

Gosar must have consequences to his actions

My how soon we forget how mean, evil, stupid acts can lead to horror. Apparently, when Sarah Palin advertised against Gabby Giffords and placed a target on a map of Giffords’ district, it was also taken as just poor taste. But then when Giffords was shot in the head and six others were killed in the attack, such Republican aggressive ads were seen as more. Now Rep. Paul Gosar, another Republican with no taste and certainly little brain, has created a similar piece of garbage to try to criticize a member of Congress. Will it be taken seriously? Will some real consequence come to Gosar, not just censure, a slap on the wrist? If I was to do something similar, I’m sure I would be arrested. Why don’t the laws start working against the horrors of Republican evil? Gee, aren’t we a law and order nation anymore?

Carl Olson

West side

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