The ramifications from a political skirmish between the city and RTA over a road improvement project along North First Avenue could be felt in the thump of vehicles against bodies for years to come.

Juvenile rant
from supervisor

Re: the Jan. 26 article "RTA is not the city's only option."

I read Supervisor Steve Christy's opinion on Tucson's threat to leave the RTA. As a Tucson resident, I was hoping for a rational reasoning of specifics regarding the fallacy of our Tucson leaders' reasons for ending their support. Well, what I read was a flame-throwing mess!

Terms like "fabricated and melodramatic outrage," "twisted themselves into pretzels," "throwing elbows and below the belt punches," "the city continues to bully," on and on ad nauseam, Christy has done nothing to enlighten me as to why we should listen to his drivel. He is just another example of why far too many political representatives resort to the "juvenile playground tactics" lamented so much (tongue in cheek, I assume) in his diatribe.

Yes, some of the RTA benefits have come to Tucson, but as a former City Council member elsewhere and a resident of midtown, have we really received our "fair share"? Christy's rant was useless, much like he seems to be.

Steve Poe


Guidance from
a chiropractor

Re: the Jan. 23 article "Stuck in an alternate COVID reality."

I was surprised by Tim Steller’s suggestion that it was because a Cochise County supervisor took the advice of a chiropractor a grant was declined.

There is no shortage of M.D.s, D.O.s (doctor of osteopathic medicine), and RNs who ascribe to similar beliefs. Yet Steller appears to feel that every chiropractor subscribes to these β€œtheories,” painting the entire profession with that brush. If that board member had taken the same advice from an antivaxxer M.D., would Steller opine that having an M.D. friend was what led to this decision?

As a chiropractor, in my office we strive to follow CDC guidelines, having done so from the beginning of the pandemic. My staff is vaccinated. Masks are required for both patients and staff. I advise patients to get vaccinated and boosted.

While there are doctors of chiropractic who espouse controversial views, it is by no means universal throughout the chiropractic profession.

Robert Brook, DC

East side

Georgia snooping
around mailbox

I am amazed at the lengths the state of Georgia will go to deprive the women in that state of their constitutional right to an abortion. Not content to pass draconian laws to place unconscionable restrictions, now they have a law pending in their legislature that would allow the state of Georgia to supersede the federal government in controlling interstate commerce. In fact, they would allow the state to intercept, inspect, and destroy first-class letters sent through the United States Postal Service. The state of Georgia, in its exceeding zeal to eliminate legal abortions, will authorize a state agency to confiscate, at their sole discretion, letters that contain abortion pills authorized by the Food and Drug Administration to allow women access to the drug without a prescription.

What a concept! Perhaps next, as a desire of Georgia unfulfilled since 1865 to separate from the U.S. will opt to issue their own currency. Stay tunedΒ β€” I think this is an outgrowth of the unsuccessful coup attempt of Jan. 6.

Robert Cozad

Oro Valley

War machine
eggs on Russia

It is amazing that elected officials, their staffs and news media are so gung-ho to goad Russia into invading Ukraine, including both political parties. Before WWII started, Stalin conquered countries in Eastern Europe. These countries and others abutting Russia are now included in NATO. Adding Ukraine would complete the entire border from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

What would you think if Russia or China were to have alliances with Mexico and brought their military in large numbers to Mexico? Remember when Russia installed nuclear weapons in Cuba. We just barely escaped a holocaust.

America has been playing at war ever since the end of WWII, picking on smaller countries, showing off our newest weapons. A real war could bring devastation like there was in WWII, whole cities destroyed and millions killed.

This time our country would also suffer. There can never be another war between major powers.

Jack Walters

Northeast side

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