Every one talks about keeping a distance of 6 ft. to contain the Virus. What the Government should impose is for every one to wear a mask. It stops the Virus from coming out of your body if you have it, and stops other people from spreading the virus if they have it also. That is what China did, and look where they are now " almost free " of this killer Virus.
What it takes is more responsibility by all individual people. All of Those who say " I am expressing my civil rights". These are all bad choices when you have a Pandemic like this country and the whole wide world has at this terrible time.
Do you remember when the stores use to have a sign out front. NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO ENTER. Well I think we should go back to that. NO FACE MASK, NO ENTER. That would wake up those irresponsible people and slow down this Pandemic. Jacques
jacques fauxbel
Green Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.