It has been said Trump is the Anti-Christ. Maybe, I cannot judge him on that. But he is Anti-American. His latest campaign began with "revenge and retribution" aimed at government employees who had taken an oath to "support and defend" the Constitution, and were faithful to that Oath, not to him. Congressmen and women, and members of his own staff whom he felt were not "loyal" to him. He said their non-support was political. Agencies had been "weaponized" against him. (Remember in Helsinki when he stood beside a smirking Putin, and repudiated the FBI, CIA and other US agencies, preferring Russian agencies?) Thousands of civil servants have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution. He does not deem them "loyal" so they will lose their jobs. His policies defy opinions of experts who have experience in a particular area. He has no experts. Their "policies" are solely political.
Jerry Lujan
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.