Shame on America

I am totally ashamed reading about comments and gestures by American athletes representing our great country on the international Olympic stage. Even though I realize that these incredibly gifted, narcissistic, ungrateful brainwashed children are only a small minority of our competitors, I find myself totally unable to cheer against the USA so I’ve simply tuned out.

The left destroys everything it touches.

Jeffrey McConnell

West side

Student loans

Why is it that our daughter (teacher) and son-in-law (social worker) worked nine years saving to pay our son-in-law’s student loans? Because he owed the money for the loans?

Is it right for those going directly into the workforce to have to pay for those choosing to borrow money to go to college? Since when should many lower-income people have to pay for debts of higher-income people? Did people not understand the meaning of loan when they started college?

Dave Locey


Teach our kids what h


Re: the Aug. 1 article “Critical Race Theory: What it is and isn’t.”

Prof. Schaller’s column on Critical Race Theory (CRT) defined what it is and what it is not. He gave historical examples of legislation and practices that, intentionally or not, institutionalized racism and inequality in voting, housing and education.

All students, particularly white students, should learn this history, not to make them feel personal shame and guilt, but so they can be part of the remedy.

On July 9, 2021, Gov. Doug Ducey signed HB 2898 which prohibits instruction in Arizona schools on CRT. No instruction can “present any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.”

Ironically, that same day the Gov. signed HB 2241 which mandates instruction on the Holocaust. Might students of German descent feel shame or guilt?

Both the Holocaust and present-day antisemitism, as well as the legacy of enslavement of an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. from 1620-1860, are examples of incalculable evil. Neither should be disregarded. Both should be taught in our schools.

Michael Drake

Northwest side

Nuclear missiles can’t be recalled

Re: the July 24 article “Senate works to protect A-10s.”

Few things offend me more than building new nuclear missiles. One thing more offensive is the hubris accompanying this news, and Tucson media’s perverse pride in our hometown, whiz-bang engineering for the apocalypse. It’s as if planning to slip stealthily under humanity’s radar to slaughter countless innocent children, women, men and animals in furious firestorms of atomic retribution is a noble pursuit, spawning respectable jobs.

This is not defense. It is a war crime. Most nations of the world have now outlawed nuclear weapons.

Then there is the sheer gall of the war industry shill who would have us believe that because Raytheon’s new nuclear cruise missile is launched from an airplane, it “can be recalled.” In fact, once this missile is launched, it could fly for more than two hours to reach its target. And it won’t come back, no matter how loud Tucson whistles in approval.

Jack Cohen-Joppa


Tax breaks for the wealthy

I can think of four reasons why tax breaks for the wealthy don’t help the economy. First, the wealthy already have money or collateral. Second, if they need more money for a project, they can borrow it because they have collateral, and have proved they are a good risk. Third, they can offer stock options. There are other people with money who make more money by investing. Fourth, it just plays into the myth of the “Titans of Industry” who create the businesses and the jobs.

Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t become “jet fuel for the economy” as he predicted, because the beneficiaries had no intention of investing in new industry. They took the money and bought back stock, increasing their control of their companies and their personal wealth.

The only reason I can see for tax cuts for the wealthy is more campaign contributions down the line for the people who vote for the cuts.

Martin Plocke

Southwest side

What is anti-American?

I see a lot of conservatives were happy to see the soccer team, and other American athletes lose because they didn’t like protests that they felt were anti-American. Do they not see that being happy that American teams losing is also anti-American?

Craig Miller

Northwest side

A note to Simone Biles

Congratulations on all your achievements over the years including a well-deserved congratulations and much respect for what you have done and achieved in the Tokyo Olympics. Your unselfishness, love and care for yourself matters most, and that same love of team came first. You stepped aside and let your team shine. Your sacrifice measures more than medals, and in being Simone Biles! You showed the world what an amazing human being you are, how caring and loving you are.

What you have given and what you have done can’t be measured, and for that, Ms. Biles, I salute you, and I congratulate you. Stay healthy, stay true to yourself, and stay determined being the best Simone you can be. God’s blessings to you and to your family!

Hugh M Gayle



It would be nice to believe that the anti-vaxxers were people who would hold themselves accountable for their actions, and would, should they develop COVID, refuse to be a burden on our health-care system, and stay home and treat themselves. Of course, many of them are supporters of Trump, a guy who has never in his life held himself accountable for his own actions. It is no doubt too much to expect any of them to have it in them to be accountable.

Dave Rollins



I was taught that everything I did, either good or bad, reflected not only on me but the organizations I was associated with.

When I worked for Walmart I represented the store and the entire company. I represented the entire postal service when I had a postal contract.

I represented not only the Navy but the Department of Defense and the entire United States when I served.

It seems to me that the athletes we sent to Tokyo are not athletes who represent America but are athletes who happen to reside in America.

We had another athlete protest for “social justice” while on the podium. Apparently the athletes only represent the “socially oppressed” members of America.

Olympic athletes should represent all Americans.

If the US is only sending athletes who reside in America instead of athletes who represent America, it is time for the United States to withdraw from the Olympics.

Thomas Wenzel

East side

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