An appreciation
of newsprint

Re: the Dec. 10 article "Owner of Star rebuffs Alden."

Hooray! Maybe there's life for the Star yet. Since of course profits drive most publications maybe last year's profits will keep the wolves at bay (aka Alden Global Capital hedge fund). There are still some of us (probably over 65) who would rather read the news on paper rather than a TV screen, even though the Star has shrunk greatly from its former self. What a shame when we lost the Tucson Daily Citizen. I used to deliver it when I was a teenager.

Steve Halper


Abortion limits
but no gun curbs?

No woman who gets an abortion has ever killed or injured multiple classmates, teachers or co-workers. Why is so much insanely restrictive manpower placed on prohibiting abortions and the right to choose while failing to limit gun sales and assault rifles with background checks?

Karyn Zoldan


Build Back Better
a budget-breaker

A Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report released on Friday, Dec. 11, projected Biden's Build Back Better (BBB) plan would increase the federal deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years. Sen. Lindsey Graham had requested the CBO analysis based on projections that the freebie social government programs contained in the legislation, like extending the child tax credit of about $3,000, free pre-school, subsidized child care, etc. contained in BBB would not "sunset." The CBO had previously scored the Democrat House of Representatives' bill at $1.7 trillion, based on these programs ending within a few years. Democrats will likely try to continue these programs before they expire and will call Republicans heartless and anti-family if they oppose extending them. Democrats know that once people get hooked on government social programs, it is difficult to wean them off. The new CBO report of BBB is a more realistic cost analysis then the disingenuous House Democrats' version. A new report shows we are at a 39-year-high inflation rate.

Darrin Styles


must pay price

Re: the Dec. 13 letter "Jail those who ignore subpoenas."

The writer's poignant letter is right on!

Republicans put Susan McDougal in jail for 18 months when she refused to testify before a congressional committee. The Jan. 6 committee needs to do the same to those who are stonewalling their efforts to get to the truth.

Those rebuffing the committee's efforts realize the truth is their mortal enemy, which is why they're throwing every obstacle they can in the way. They know if they reveal the truth to the Jan. 6 committee they'll be destroyed by those who were behind the coup. The letter writer is right, do what Republicans did to Susan McDougal, put them in jail until they're willing to testify honestly.

Jim Dreis

East side

Biggs and Gosar
should step down

It is time for Rep. Andy Biggs and Rep. Paul Gosar to resign from Congress.

Law enforcement and Congress now have their personal texts and phone calls, as well as testimony by other coup conspirators, that show that they were working directly with White House staff and right-wing nationalist groups to falsely claim that there was voter fraud. They planned to illegally block the vote certification even though they knew Biden had won.

They criminally interfered with an election. They are traitors to the Constitution and our rights to vote for whom we want.

As an Arizona citizen and registered voter, I am embarrassed to have them in our congressional delegation. They need to resign now so they can prepare with their lawyers for possible criminal indictments.

John Higgins

Southeast side

Why the needless
Star disclaimers?

I find it curious that atop every Op-Ed piece in the Star there is a disclaimer stating that “The following is the opinion and analysis of the writer.” This is totally superfluous as the author’s name and affiliation are right above it. Perhaps the disclaimer is meant to comfort readers who feel the Star is somehow influencing authors to adopt a particular point of view. That being said if such a disclaimer is needed for Op-Ed articles, a similar disclaimer should be included with all of the Letters to the Editor, so we will know for certain that the Star had nothing to do with their content.

Gerry Maggiora

East side

Presidents can
move the needle

Re: the Dec. 16 letter "Blame recovery for pump prices."

I agree with most everything said in this letter except that what a president says does directly affect not only oil/gas prices but other commodities as well. The president shut down the pipeline from Canada and then said he wanted to see all electric cars by 2030 or some such date. It is true that oil did not rise that much in the beginning but the gas prices started going up despite the supply/demand. If I were an oil tycoon I would have wanted to get more money out of the customers before more electric cars made the scene. The human element wasn't factored in when the president made those statements. When someone in D.C. makes a statement on something, you can be sure there will be a reaction of some sort, either in prices or the stock market. Do some research on the past six presidents and see how they have affected the economy.

Jerry Ferguson

East side

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