Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.

Budget surplus for hospitals

The other night I was an unexpected guest at the Banner UMC emergency room. There I found a large number of patients, many in considerable discomfort, waiting for hours to be seen by a doctor. Many simply left, their problem “solved” by frustration. Meanwhile, the leaders of the state of Arizona are crowing over an enormous budget surplus. Why can’t we deploy some of this cash to reduce the needless suffering and anxiety of Arizonans experiencing urgent medical problems?

William Nelson


Voting rights for all

In Jan. 20 edition of the Star, there were numerous letters (in print and online) that focused on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Half of the letters attempted to get the senator to support voting rights and change the Senate filibuster rules. The other letters applauded the senator’s independence and rights.

I think Sinema could not care less if you are for/against voting rights, for/against the filibuster, child care, climate, etc. Her actions depend solely on the wishes of her corporate donors, and not the voters of Arizona. Those conservatives (probably Republican) who instead of applauding her single-minded position concerning the current filibuster rule, which I think is a smoke screen for voter obstruction, should ask themselves and fellow Republicans, “do I favor democracy?” The democracy that gives voting rights to all Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

Write Sen. Sinema and tell her to give this issue some honest thinking.

Michael Coiro

East side

Desalinating seawater

Re: the Jan. 23 article “Critics say desalinating seawater is too costly.”

Kudos to Tony Davis and the Arizona Daily Star for the balanced and in-depth article. It says something very good about local journalism that the Arizona Daily Star was willing to devote the resources to produce such a well researched and informative article on a topic that is both complicated and important. As someone with a little background regarding desalinization, I learned a lot. Thank you.

Peter Gruenstein


Thanks, Sen. Sinema

I am very disappointed at the Daily Star, although I expect it from an extreme liberal publication. The effort to eliminate the filibuster so that radical liberals can achieve their goals provides a great opportunity for the newspaper to serve as the adult on the block. Everyone with any intelligence knows that the filibuster has served our country well for over 200 years, and eliminated wild swings in policies depending on who had a slight majority. If they remember, they know there were Republicans trying to eliminate it during Trump’s administration. There were enough sane people around that prevented the change. Instead, the newspaper publishes many letters from the left to make it appear as a good idea. Just like executive orders can be reversed by the stroke of a pen, policies could easily be changed when the balance of power changes, if the filibuster is eliminated.

Thanks to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for doing what is right.

Ken Wolfe


All about me

So, here’s my all-about-me experience today. Went to the local sandwich/bread store. Big sign, “do not enter without a mask.” Great! Went in (masked) got my order and was headed out. In walks a younger male, no mask. Who is supposed to confront him? The working help?

Anyway, I drive home. At the stop light, the car in front of me continues through a late yellow/red light — seriously! I wonder, what if we placed those around us in priority to ourselves? Just another day in the new America.

Norman Patten


Sinema doesn’t get it!

Sen. Sinema seems to be a very principled person who wants to play nice. However, what she doesn’t seem to get is that bullies (the folks across the aisle) don’t play nice. It’s time for her to wake up to this reality and do what’s best for the greater good of this country!

Stanley Curd


Political party allegiance

When I registered to vote in the 1960’s, I don’t remember being tattooed either on my back side or on my forehead saying I belonged and gave allegiance only to a specific political party. When I joined the military, I pledged allegiance to the U.S., and the same pledge is taken by senators and representatives, regardless of party affiliation. I was taught to vote for the best candidate that would help America. Not the Democrat or Republican Party. Political leaders in the past used to work together for the good of all.

People are upset about Republicans changing voting laws, but they push a voting law that appears to be written only by the Democratic Party. Why do we need a holiday to vote, which is a civic duty? Who got a day off for jury duty? Having a holiday does not mean more people will vote.

I want my representatives to vote for America not a political party.

Al Wiruth

Southeast side

Where are we today?

Re: the Jan. 23 article “Owner ups rent by 50%.”

Several decades ago, “Lifestyles of The Rich And Famous,” a television show celebrating the incredible wealth of a very small percentage of the world’s population, gave American viewers vicarious insight into what it could be like if only they could, somehow, win that lottery.

I found the message of that show disturbing then, and today feel it was a harbinger of future trends.

Today, no one is impressed by millionaires. The new bar is not just billionaire; today’s standard is multi-billionaire. Elon Musk is worth over $200 billion and has stated that he shouldn’t have to pay any taxes at all. Jeff Bezos trails behind with barely $185 billion, and paid no tax some years.

In Tucson, predatory “investors” buy apartment complexes and raise the rent 50%, because they can.

Is all this OK?

Eric Maurer

Northwest side

Thank you is not enough

Last Saturday I visited my sister at Banner UMC. My negative expectations quickly turned very positive.

I want to personally thank Dr. Robert Koch, my sister’s attending physician.

While visiting her in her room, Dr. Koch came in and proceeded to answer my dozen or so questions concerning her care. What doctor even does that these days! There are no words that come to mind to adequately express my gratitude to Dr. Koch, the lady at the front desk who walked me to the room (approximately a half-mile) and to all the medical staff I met along the way.

As a veteran who receives excellent care at the local Tucson VA, I wish to commend Banner hospital for giving me a truly unique hospital experience.

Bob Wineland

Northwest side

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