Candidate Chat

Join Star Opinion for a chat with candidates in the Democratic primary election for Tucson City Council. Ward 3 candidates (from top left, Kevin Dahl and Juan Padres) will chat Wednesday, July 14, at 3 p.m. (Meeting ID: 956 7966 5773 Passcode: 986681). Ward 6 will be Friday, July 16, at 11 a.m. Candidates are, from left, Steve Kozachik, Andres Portela and Miranda Schubert. (Meeting ID: 942 0048 8109 Passcode: 795949) or email for the link.

Who needs enlightenment?

Re: the July 12 letter “A primer for letter writers.”

The letter intended to enlighten left-leaning Star contributors, by smugly listing six core beliefs of conservatives. No. 3 on the list is not factual; America was not one of the first countries to eradicate slavery. Britain, Mexico, colonial Haiti and others beat us to it. (No mention of America’s’ discrimination and “less than” treatment of descendants of slavery that continues to this day).

No. 6 on the list was truly amazing, “We follow the science.” (This put forth to delegitimize those identifying as transgender, who do not deny their birth gender). If conservatives follow the science, why do so many dismiss the science surrounding COVID-19?

Donald Trump, many of his followers and many elected Republicans continue to deny, downplay and put forth lies about the virus, vaccines, and even mask-wearing. Had science been followed, far fewer than 620,000 would have died. And let’s not forget climate-change denial. Following the science? Please do!

Deb Klumpp

Oro Valley

Quit playing COVID politics

President Joe Biden is taking some heat about the country not reaching his goal of 70% vaccinated against COVID by July 4. The level of criticism he receives is no more deserved than the level of praise he has gotten for vaccination progress.

The fact is that the governors and states have been the front line for COVID vaccinations. The main federal responsibility was development and approval of vaccines, and then delivery of them to the states. But the politics surrounding COVID continue.

Several “red” states are frequently reported as having lower vaccination rates. Shame on them. Yet there has been little or no reporting that four “blue” states (NJ, NY, MA, RI) have the highest overall COVID death rates. More shame on them. Somehow, those “bad” red states have avoided the death rates of those “good” blue states. Obviously, numerous other factors besides political party affiliation have been in play. Quit playing politics. Just get vaccinated.

Matthew Scully


Carbon pricing worth a look

Heat domes, extreme droughts, wildfires, and severe storms are intensifying at an alarming rate, but what can we do about it? Since carbon emissions are a major contributor to these climate catastrophes, we must reduce carbon emissions. Putting a price on carbon is a first good step. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, HR 2307, does just that. It puts a fee on carbon and allocates that money back to the American people as a dividend. The program costs are paid by the fees collected. The government doesn’t keep any of the money. This puts power back in the hands of the American people and the free market. Let your representatives know putting a price on carbon is the best way to handle the heat.

Maggie Kraft

North side

School inequities are a roadblock

Re: the July 12 article “States must address school inequities.”

According to this op-ed, the Biden administration is proposing federal spending to increase equity of access to a high-quality K-12 education with new Title 1 “Equity Grants.” As a retired educator, I applaud this effort by the federal government to incentivize equitable school funding systems.

However, this will be a challenge in Arizona where inequities abound and the Legislature and governor continue to underfund education and undermine the will of the voters to increase financial support for district public school students and educators (Prop. 208).

The lack of equal access to effective class sizes, technology and internet access, school librarians, social workers, counselors and other longtime inequities in learning opportunities may result in our state’s inability to take full advantage of these funds. Once again, Arizona’s students will be shortchanged in a state where the per-student spending ranks 48th in the nation, according to data from the National Education Association.

Judi Moreillon

Northeast side

ID requirements far from onerous

Whine, whine, whine.

Voter suppression because you have to identify yourself? Come on, man. Use your credit card, go to a national park with a senior pass, get food stamps or any kind of assistance. Identify yourself.

We have become a country of whiners.

How does a systemically racist country elect a Black president not once but twice? How do our Black professional athletes arrive at their elevated position in such a systemically racist place?

Who is it that is trying to divide us by racist and ethnic lines? Marxist ideology is trying to accomplish this. Build a new society in your perfect model. Marxism has always failed.

We have been an experiment in democracy, bringing us together to become the greatest experiment in coming together as one people. Together with the principles of freedom and opportunity is the pursuit of the concept of individual freedom and liberty, not government control.

The revolution was fought by our ancestors to bring God given rights to all of us, not just one group.

Richard Barnes

East side

Lies h

ave become truth

“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” This quote explains why Donald Trump’s lies resonate as truth to his base. His most recent includes that millions were filled with love on Jan. 6. Half of the voters who watched that horror are grateful Trump’s number is a lie. But love filling the air? Hardly, when you watch the most recent videos of the unrelenting brutality toward those trying to fight that insurrection.

Without shame, Trumpers are now saying that Joe Biden will be out, and Trump moved into the White House by the end of the year. The recent CPAC meeting, interviews, and Fox’s reporting have made me a believer that this is not an idle threat. My proof? Look at all of the Trumpers who have died needlessly. Trump told them they didn’t need the vaccination. Since they believed this lie enough to die, I don’t see any rhetoric convincing them Trump is the problem.

Cathey Langione


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