View the candidate chats that happened last week at Ward 3 candidates (from top left, Kevin Dahl and Juan Padres). Ward 6 Candidates are, from left, Steve Kozachik, Andres Portela and Miranda Schubert. 

Our nation
is in trouble

I fear for our nation.

I’m hopeful because an apparent majority in this country wants fairness, justice and progress — not just physical progress in areas like infrastructure, but also mental and emotional progress in areas like health care and other social problems.

But a very sizable minority is against one, or several, or all those issues. And they are willing to destroy our nation, and state, in order to have their way.

Why else would our (Republican-dominated) Legislature underfund schools? Underfund programs that work with people with disabilities? Pass a hugely lopsided favor-the-rich tax cut? Pass voting restrictions? And, most especially, why else would they refuse to work with the Democrats for the good of Arizona?

Why else would congressional Republicans refuse to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection? Continue promoting the Big Lie? Oppose programs even their rank and file supports?

I fear for our nation.

Dave Peterson


Sinema acts only
in self-interest

Re: the July 2 letter "Sen. Sinema doing well" and July 2 article "Friese reaps big haul in funds for CD2 race."

After reading a letter writers glowing support for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema who has forsaken her party to be "an independent long-term thinker." That statement couldn't be further from the truth. Sinema is out for herself. She's using her stance on the filibuster to try to strengthen her position in the Senate.

She's not an independent long-term thinker, she's a hypocrite. The article pointed out this comment by our senator from 2010, "Lamenting the Democrats' loss of a 60-vote majority, she said 'So now ... there's none of this pressure, this false pressure to get to 60.'"

"So what that means is the Democrats can stop kowtowing to Joe Lieberman and instead seek other avenues to move forward with health reform. And so it's likely that the Senate will move forward with a process called reconciliation, which takes only 51 votes."

Whoever thinks Sinema is dong well for our state or our people of the state, are clearly mistaken.

John Bingham

Northwest side

Child tax credit
details important

Re: the July 17 letter "Credit criteria too generous."

The public should be made aware that Child Care and Dependent Tax Credit payments are an advance on deductions to be made on the individual tax return up to one-half of the total eligible amount.

There is a dollar amount limit for qualifying individuals. Qualifying dependent individuals range up to age 13 and to those physically or mentally incapable of self-care.

Children of divorced or separated parents or parents living apart with qualifying factors are considered in regard to the number of months living with custodial parents.

A more comprehensive discussion of the details involved here and the positions that will be taken by those who represent us in Washington will deserve further discussion.

Mary Charlotte Kidd


Dahl has my
vote in Ward 3

Re: the July 19 article "Star's endorsements in Wards 3 and 6."

Tucson voters have two good choices for City Council District 3. I am supporting Kevin Dahl. Kevin has decades of experience making Tucson and Arizona a better place to live. He is a hard worker, and makes sure to reflect the diversity of Tucson in his efforts.

Kevin Dahl has my strong support in this important City Council election.

David Finkelstein


Climate change,
poverty linked

Re: the July 19 article "Star's endorsements in Wards 3 and 6."

I was disappointed that the Star’s ward 3 endorsement implied addressing climate change will not alleviate poverty but that “business and economic development" will. Addressing climate change will create long lasting meaningful work. Addressing climate change addresses poverty by improving the environment and health of those that now live in areas of heat island and industrial pollution. By themselves business and economic development have created boom and bust cycles that do little to building a robust sustainable city.

Kevin Dahl was a founding member of Native Seeds/SEARCH, which has spun off several long-lasting retail operations. He is also on the board of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, which brings tourists from around the world. It has helped make Tucson a world-class city and enriches all of our lives.

Rosemary Bolza


Never too many
climate leaders

Re: the July 19 article "Star's endorsements in Wards 3 and 6."

I am puzzled by the decision not to endorse Kevin Dahl. The primary reason given was that Mayor Romero is “already leading on climate change,” as if that means the issue is under control.

We are already suffering the local effects of climate change, and they promise to get more severe. These include impacts as varied as a shrinking water supply, threatened food supply, greater health risks, rising electricity costs, and larger wildfires. Longer, hotter, drier summers have the potential to damage our natural areas that provide both quality of life for residents and that serve as economic drivers for our tourism industry.

The climate crisis is an existential issue for Tucson, and will require many smart and energetic leaders to get us through it. That’s why I support Kevin Dahl, and why I’m helping coordinate his campaign.

Dale Turner

North side

Dahl understands
climate crisis

Re: the July 19 article "Star's endorsements in Wards 3 and 6."

The Editorial Board decided not to endorse Kevin Dahl for the Ward 3 City Council race because his top issue is climate change and "Mayor Romero is already leading on climate change … and she’s running an environmentalist agenda with the support of the City Council," as if to imply that we’ve got this under control and the council doesn’t need more climate activists.

This is the type of shortsighted thinking that got us into this mess in the first place. Climate change is not just an environmental issue — it impacts everything from poverty to immigration to the job market and beyond. Mayor Romero is doing excellent work, but we can’t ask her to tackle climate change by herself. There is much more work to be done and we need all hands on deck, starting with people like Kevin Dahl who understand that climate change is the defining challenge of the 2020s.

Ed Hendel

West side

Zoo mess dented
Kozachik's brand

Re: the July 19 article "Star's endorsements in Wards 3 and 6."

When I saw the Star's endorsement of Steve K. for Ward 6 City Council I had mixed feelings.

I appreciate his knowledge and expertise in local government. I admire him for taking on the gun supporters in the state Legislature.

I saw a different side of him over the zoo expansion mess. It became very obvious that he doesn't care about his constituents. If you are a CEO, a contractor, or head of a big organization you matter to him. He still says he had the right to give public park land to the zoo and calling him on it wasted millions of tax dollars and made him look bad.

I believe he is in it for the power to make happen his personal goals and his constituents are just people he sends a letter to listing his accomplishments. He doesn't care for their needs or their input, he knows better.

Robert McNeil


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