Star Opinion chatted with the candidates in the Democratic primary election for Tucson City Council. View the chat at Ward 3 candidates, from top left: Kevin Dahl and Juan Padres. Ward 6 Candidates, from bottom left: Steve Kozachik, Andres Portela and Miranda Schubert. 

COVID concerns for border crossers

An April Washington Post story was headlined, “Border officials say more people are sneaking past them as crossings soar and agents are overwhelmed.” It reported 1,000 people per day are illegally crossing the border and sneaking past Border Patrol undetected. Reasons given were that Border agents are busy dealing with migrant families, unaccompanied children and the “soaring numbers” of male adults.

Two officials told the Post that “got aways” are the highest in recent memory. Consider also that these people are entering unscreened for COVID and that the new Delta strain is spreading in America. Border agents in Van Horn, Texas, recently found a box truck with 33 sweltering migrants crammed inside not wearing masks.

The San Antonio Express reported 4,500 illegal migrants have been found in cargo commercial trucks since October, a 132% increase over last year. Where is Biden’s concern for COVID spread and safety for Americans health over this? Meanwhile, reports are that he may soon end Title 42, which has returned many adults.

Terrence Williams

East side

What will be the consequences?

There has been a horrific shooting on the south side of Tucson. Police say Leslie Scarlett shot two EMTs sitting in their ambulance, shot and killed a neighbor, and another neighbor was wounded. He is suspected of torching a house where an unidentified, burned body was found inside.

Now authorities are investigating a January house fire across the street wherein Scarlett’s mother and another were killed. Tucson homicides are increasing.

Meanwhile, Pima County Democrats elected a new county prosecutor, Laura Conover, who, because of her progressive political philosophy and “Restorative Justice” policies, will not seek the death penalty in homicide cases, like the horrific one involving Scarlett, if he survives to be prosecuted. Mayor Regina Romero’s response is for Congress to pass firearms background checks.

Steve Denver

West side

Kevin Dahl for Ward 3 council

Re: the July 18 article “Star’s endorsements in Wards 3 and 6.”

I am writing to disagree with the reasons for your endorsement for Ward 3 City Council. It is time that we dispense with the idea that owning a business is a qualifier for political office. We saw how that worked with the previous president. Kevin Dahl has demonstrated an entrepreneurial approach in his decades of work in the non-profit sector. Yes, he has an area of expertise that he will apply to his work as an elected city official. He willingly admits not having answers to solve every problem. He is ready to be educated. This kind of honesty is lacking in those aspiring to elected office.

His experience has been working in the trenches with local residents, tribal members, politicians, activists to solve problems. While business owners have several avenues to address their concerns, local residents have the Council Office. Council members Paul Durham and Karin Uhlich have been attentive to local community issues. Kevin Dahl will maintain that attention to our concerns.

Gary Bachman


Egos of the rich

Isn’t it interesting to watch these billionaires launch themselves into space for 10-minute rides and earn the label of “astronaut.” Some in the press champion them as “pioneers” equivalent to the Wright brothers. I can’t really buy into that.

All they did was channel a lot of money into an adventure that would burnish their reputations with technology that was well known.

It was interesting to see Jeff Bezos step out of his “capsule” to a crowd that included news media and a bunch of cowboy-hatted beauties. So not like the Wright brothers, who toiled in obscurity and achieved a giant step in aeronautics. Bezos’ money could have done much more had it been donated to charities.

Phil King

East side

Dahl is my choice for City Council

Re: the July 18 article “Star’s endorsements in Wards 3 and 6.”

OK, the Star did not endorse Kevin Dahl for City Council. That is your right. But you branded him a one-issue candidate (the environment), which is really stupid. Kevin has long been an activist, concerned citizen, agriculturalist and more. He cares about education, transportation, water justice, economic justice, the arts and more. He has an amazing talent for working to find solutions, not trying to impose his own unbending position. What a light in a desert of darkness!

The Star said an environmentalist is not needed on the council because we already have the mayor. Is that like saying the council already has someone concerned about transportation, so we don’t need someone else, or the US Congress already has one free trade supporter, so we don’t need another. Really stupid!

Charles Alexander


Hurray for Banner

Re: the July 21 article “Banner Health: Employees need vaccine.”

My husband and I both had COVID last year. Luckily we survived. He had no lasting effects, but I have a new “tail” with me 24 hours a day: an oxygen hose. It does greatly limit one’s mobility, no longer can one run out and feed the birds or retrieve the newspaper. These simple tasks require putting on a rather cumbersome portable O2 machine, but at least I can leave the confines of our home for a time. I’m also thankful that we had the ability to buy such a machine when others cannot.

Those who refuse to vaccinate must have phenomenal eyesight allowing them to “see” virus particles that may tag along on them without their knowing while they go about their daily lives, all the time infecting unsuspecting others. How many in a day do they infect with their so-called “liberty to infect!”

I salute Banner for doing what so many coward companies refuse to do, by mandating health care as part of employment.

Beverly “Jean” Tencza

Rio Rico

Child tax credit

The tax credit works by giving parents their own tax refund for 2021 early. It is not an extra $250. If the parents want to opt out and get their regular refund next year, they can do that. Or they can get it now, but will not be able to claim those same taxes again in the spring. In a few cases, they may actually have to pay taxes on this early refund, depending on their earnings for 2021.

This is a nationwide policy. Some of these families desperately need it now. Maybe they lost their job due to Covid. Maybe they lost a spouse with Covid. Maybe they are behind on the mortgage. The amount of money is a tax credit already figured into the income tax for everyone in the country with children. Remember, $75,000 doesn’t buy as much in some states as in Arizona.

Julie Becker

Southwest side

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