Masks were required for the 100 graduates at the University of Arizona College of Medicine’s 50th commencement ceremony last month. The UA allows non-vaccinated students on campus, but only if they wear masks and get tested regularly. Gov. Doug Ducey says those requirements have to stop. None of the state’s three universities is planning to contest the governor’s edict.

Idea of democracy has been bruised

A recent Pew Research Center survey of 16 foreign publics found that only 17% thought that democracy in the U.S. is a good example for other countries to follow. Why is this? Could it be because that for the first time a former president has not accepted his defeat, cried massive fraud, and despite all evidence to the contrary, undiscerning followers believe him? Could it be because Republicans in states like Arizona are doing what they can to pass laws that restrict access to the ballot box? Could it be because Republicans in the U.S. Senate will not allow discussion of the voting rights bill called For the People Act? Yes, and what a shame.

Phineas Anderson


Camp Grant’s lessons for today

Re: the June 19 article “We have our shame: 136 Apache in 1871.”

Many thanks to David Fitzsimmons for his article on the Camp Grant Massacre. Tucson is not free from systemic racism and it is not only against Blacks and Hispanics. Native Americans are arrested and incarcerated more often and for longer periods than white people on a daily basis. They are denied housing and ignored in restaurants as much as Black people are. We need to face these facts and never forget. We need to analyze our behavior and look at the fact that we are not taught about our racist behaviors and just assume they are normal. So many white people have never discussed this with people of color and do not try. Good for David. What a gem he is and how lucky we are to have him.

Bette Bunker Richards

Northwest side

Treated worse than a dog

Re: the June 16 article “Ducey: Universities can’t require masks.”

Gov. Doug Ducey apparently cares more about dogs than people. According to state law, all dogs must be licensed and all licensed dogs must be vaccinated for rabies (A.R.S. § 11-1010.) Our dog’s kennel requires proof of leptospirosis and Bordetella vaccinations. But Ducey has blocked universities from requiring students to be vaccinated for COVID. I’ve never wished I was a dog but I’d feel safer in Arizona if I were a dog rather than a college student.

John Stark

Southeast side

Hypocritical bishops at work

Re: the June 19 article “Bishops act on possible rebuke of president.”

As a practicing Catholic, I was amazed to see the USCCB attempt to single out public figures and politicians who in their opinion disobey church teaching on abortion and other core doctrinal issues. You hypocrite, first take the log out of your eye (the sex abuse, the atrocities throughout the ages, the lack of acknowledgement of women in the church, the lack of response to the incarceration of immigrant children) so then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

Stick to the spiritual teachings, as was instructed, and keep out of the partisan issues. I do not believe in abortion, but who am I to pass judgement on those that do. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” Change the abortion law in the courts or at the ballot box. Hypocrites placing a scarlet letter will only create division.

Michael Coiro

East side

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