Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to examine Texas's abortion law, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021 on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Tom Williams/Pool via AP)

Water rates not discriminatory

I’m glad to see the new and fairer water rates for those living outside the city limits. The Tucson Water ratepayers in Tucson have subsidized those living outside the city limits in higher elevations since 1977. I would hope that the Pima County Board of Supervisors realize that water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon and a huge amount of energy is needed to push water uphill.

More importantly, I hope the Board of Supervisors will note that Lake Mead is at about 1062 feet right now and at 1050 feet is determined as a non-active pool of water. I hope the board will push for the suspension of all water meter permitting by all Pima County water providers when 1050 feet is reached. It is morally wrong to guarantee water for 100 years when such water doesn’t exist.

Matt Somers


Dangers of nuclear fusion

Re: the Nov. 16 article “Nuclear fusion is close enough to start dreaming.”

It is so heart-warming to read the comments by the economist Tyler Cowen about the alleged possibilities of nuclear fusion, a source of endless energy. With eyes glazed over, he projects a dream world which the nuclear physicists have promised us since the early days of nuclear technology. Endless energy, endless resources, limitless economic development — what a fairy tale mentality!

How about roping in the sun and bringing it a little closer to the earth to harness its energy? Apart from the many catastrophic disasters with nuclear power stations, most recently with Fukushima Daiichi, which no one has been able to solve so far, nuclear waste is going to stay with us for millions of years, representing deadly forces we cannot fully control. I liked Cowen’s article, however, as a great example of English subjunctives and filled with wishful thinking. The author identifies himself as a professor of economics and does not claim any expertise in nuclear physics. I do not either, but the danger is obvious.

Albrecht Classen


Sen. Cruz drills Mayorkas in hearing

In a Senate hearing held on Nov. 16, Sen. Ted Cruz, questioned Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as to how many murderers, rapists and child molesters DHS has released into the country. Mayorkas responded that he did not know of any. Which points to a major problem, our federal law enforcement and immigration databases do not contain or interface with countries where hundreds of thousands of people entering undocumented are coming from. They in fact could be murderers, rapists or child molesters in their home country. Our data systems detect those people arrested and/or convicted of crimes in the U.S. When a person legally immigrates to the U.S., they fill out immigration documents, appear for an interview at a U.S. embassy abroad, and criminal, terrorism, and other inquiries can be done on them with cooperation of the host country. That is what Cruz was getting at with Mayorkas, who in my opinion, is the worst DHS Secretary we have ever had.

Pamela Newsome

Northwest side

Whose future? Our future!

Re: the Nov. 13 letter “Climate change reality check.”

This letter made one good point: we should stop calling for “saving the planet.” I agree, because it’s our own sorry behinds that need saving.

The writer correctly notes that “the planet” has survived five previous extinction events. Yes. When the dominant species’ died off, other life-forms were able to carry on the process of evolution.

Today, our carbon-emitting activities are shredding the biological web of mutuality on which we depend. Though it is likely that others will take up the banner of life when we are gone.

I’m no expert, but I have a hunch that the insects will do a better job of adapting to global warming.

Greg Lewis


Traffic poetry

I noticed you coming up from the rear. Moving quite quickly, showing no fear.

Close to my bumper you made a dark frown. I’d blocked all the chances for you to gain ground.

We drove on together, at the limit, OK? I know that’s not done in traffic today.

An opening came, off to your right. You changed to that lane, with no signal light.

Ahead you went on, out pacing the rest. Left lane, then right lane, seeking the best.

The rest of us drove cautiously through, with care, using signals, as good drivers do.

A short while later, just up the long street, the red-colored stoplight made us all meet.

And held there, we waited, the quick and the slow. Held by the red light, ready to go.

Do you get my point, friend?

With your quick, flash-less pass, all you have done is wasted your gas.

Michael Holloway

East side

General Flynn is at it again

Retired and disgraced Gen. Michael Flynn apparently has appointed himself as the new Pope of the United States by announcing that the USA has to have one religion. Does he think that since the United States is a melting pot, everybody’s religion can also be melted down to an amalgam — as long as it’s Christian — right? Or does he think that we can mandate everyone into becoming a Christian? He was also OK with banning Muslims. So, his Christianity is exclusive. No Jews allowed either, I’m guessing. Gosh, I’m no historical scholar but this sounds familiar; something to do with a Third Reich or something. As a chaplain in the US military and the VA for over 30 years, I don’t see anything Gen. Flynn has done or said that aligns with the teachings of Jesus. So, whatever Christianity he’s talking about must be the distorted and satanic perverted kind ascribed by the KKK and the Nazis — neo or otherwise — and their ilk.

Melvin Brinkley


Why masks are needed even for vaccinated

Re: the Nov. 17 letter “Disrespecting the fully-vaccinated.”

Here is why mask mandates are still necessary:

Our current COVID-19 vaccines do not immunize the nose well. COVID infection of the nose can still occur, even if you’ve had two or three vaccines, allowing you to get sick or spread it to others.

This is why everyone needs to wear a mask and keep distancing, especially with the upcoming holidays, community gatherings and sporting events.

Increased transmission of viruses always happens in the winter, and masks also limit influenza spread.

Vaccine and mask mandates do not violate state laws – they are public safety measures aimed at saving lives.

Steven Oscherwitz, MD

Infectious Disease Tucson

East side

Stop messing with Medicare!

Re: the Nov. 17 letter “Medicare Part B premium increase.”

I appreciated the letter about Medicare Part B and calling our leaders to lower the premiums. I’d also like to call on our leaders to not mess with the parts of Medicare that are working for us seniors. There’s been a lot of proposals to expand Medicare to a larger, younger population or even create a national government health system. I feel that would be putting seniors like myself at risk. Medicare is on shaky financial ground as it is. We’ve heard for decades how unsustainable it is. This would only endanger it. Furthermore, we cannot be sure what type of care we would get if Medicare would be expanded. Would we have longer wait times? Less access? Who knows! I appreciate our leaders looking for fixes, but let’s not put Medicare in the line of fire.

Christine Coronado

East side

Arizona — the crazy people state

Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, is soon to be known as the Crazy People State. Having now to deal with Sen. Karen Fann and her Cyber Ninja fraudit (paid for by Arizona taxpayers), Rep. Paul Gosar and his irrationally violent and unhinged statements and actions (now censured by Congress) and “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley sentenced to 41 months in prison for his part in the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, what else would one expect?

Peter Jackson

Green Valley

Democracy or dictatorship

Since when is it OK to use violence when you disagree with someone or when your person does not win an election? How is it OK to scream at a child wearing a mask because you don’t want your child to wear one? Where are we when neutral election workers and their families are threatened with mayhem and death because someone did not like the results of an election. These actions are what led to the death of democracy and the onset of dictatorships. What countries are ecstatic to see the breakdown of civility and the violence in our country? The answer is Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, North Korea, and any other country moving to authoritarianism. Please think about what kind of country you want for your children and grandchildren.

Donald Ries

Southeast side

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