Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

If the measure is approved by voters, the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts will be drawn by five elected commissioners.

Independent Redistricting Commission

Re: the Oct. 6. article “Arizona Opinion: How the Independent Redistricting Commission draws political boundaries

I read with interest Erika Neuberg’s column reflecting on her role as chair of the Arizona Redistricting Commission. I do not doubt her sincere desire to draw new, fair maps for Arizona, but having attended the Sept. 29 session here in Tucson, I have to say that many of our fellow citizens do not share her goals. I listened as speaker after speaker appealed to the commission to draw maps not on the basis of balance, competitiveness and diversity, but simply to serve the narrow interests of affluent, predominantly white voters. These speakers insisted they had nothing in common with anyone but those with whom they socialize, play golf or attend church, and many expressed open contempt for the very word “diversity.”

I believe that the strength of our communities lies in that diversity, and that the commission should recognize that people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and races ultimately share common goals for themselves, their children and their communities. District lines should be drawn accordingly.

Steve Robinson

Oro Valley

The wonders of Tucson

If your are visiting or live in Tucson, there are many memorable experiences to be had to help forget about the pandemic, political vitriol, natural disasters, etc. One experience that should not be missed is the Gaslight Theater production of “Frankenstein.” Just remember to bring extra underwear, even if you are not incontinent, you’ll need them. Rowan Atkinson, Benny Hill, Peter Sellers, move over and make room for David Fanning!

John Wood

Northeast side

Biden, not Trump, caused disasters

Within weeks of taking office, President Joe Biden reversed numerous Trump border policies, i.e., ending the border wall construction, ending Remain in Mexico, ending asylum agreements with Central American countries, etc. The results thus far, over 1.4 million illegal entrants encountered by the Border Patrol and tens of thousands of “got aways.”

Biden ended oil exploration in AWAR, ended the Keystone pipeline and froze new oil and gas leases on federal lands. The results, gasoline prices are over $1 a gallon higher.

Regarding Afghanistan, Biden ignored his top generals’ recommendation to keep a stabilizing counterterrorism force of 2,500 American troops there. Instead, he chose to hurriedly remove troops from Afghanistan without first removing all American civilians, legal permanent residents and special visa holders.

The results, 13 American service members killed, 170 Afghan civilians and a family of seven killed. Biden, without hesitation reversed many of Trump’s domestic and foreign policies. As commander in chief, he could have done so in Afghanistan. Biden caused these disasters, not Trump.

Alan Ruiz

West side

Putting political pressure on Sinema

Remember back when Martha McSally’s office hung up on you if you tried to express any opinion other than in lock step with hers? Remember when she called a reporter a “political hack” because he dared to ask her a question on her position? And the fundraisers were invitation only? Apparently, the current and former Arizona senators share a distain for their constituents. So I propose we flood Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s phones, social media and email with our opinion of her conduct. And it would be even better if Arizona newspapers stopped reporting on Sinema’s self aggrandizements until such time as she deigns to inform us of her positions on the many difficult issues we sent her to Washington to handle.

If you want to know Mark Kelly’s position on an issue, just ask.

Virginia Gethmann

Northeast side

Admiration for outgoing Opinion editor

Re: the Oct. 5 opinion article “It’s time for me to say farewell to Tucson”

Sarah Garrecht Gassen’s farewell opinion piece is pure poetry, written from the heart with sincerity and firmness. Sarah, you gave everything you had to give as the Star’s Opinion editor. You stayed on the issues and never missed a beat. Thank you! You knew your regular readers by name, and even by the animals we brought to the Zoom reader chats. I respect and admire your decision to return to the home of your youth and wish you all the best. Our love goes with you.

Alison Hughes


Make up your mind about Sinema

It is hard to believe that people are still complaining about Sen. Sinema! The people complaining are the people who voted her in! They could not wait to get rid of Martha McSally. I did not vote for Sinema but I will in the future. She is not in office to do the will of the democratic party! She is there to do what is best for all of America! Stop complaining, start helping and finding solutions for the entire country. Sinema stick to your standards and help America move forward.

Rob Jones

East side

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