Olives on a tree

Pima County and the city of Tucson outlawed new olive trees in 1985. Allergy sufferers rejoiced. Phoenix followed with its own ban in 1993.

We have met the enemy

Perhaps you, like I, have noticed the local news lately swings between stories of massive new development projects in our desert Southwest and articles outlining the ongoing effects of our drought and unabated water usage. The contrast is rather striking. Afterall, water is crucial to our well-being and is an incredibly precious and valuable resource for life in the desert. I’ve begun to wonder when we will realize that perhaps the most intractable and dangerous invasive species in the Sonoran Desert is us, human beings.

Melinda Sims

Northwest side

Abortion an act of destruction

In one short article you have published an oxymoron. In it, the word “protect” is used for those seeking to obtain “reproductive” health services. If I understand the concept correctly, reproduction is defined as creation of an offspring, while abortion means the “intentional and artificial termination of a pregnancy that destroys an embryo or fetus preventing birth (of an offspring)”

It appears that “reproductive” services shuld be relabeled “destructive” services.

Zenovia Kunasz

Oro Valley

Biden’s been disastrous

When I saw that heading — Biden declares disaster — in bold letters, I thought the article was going to be about his presidency. I thought he was going to admit that Trump’s southern border policies should have been kept in place. Instead, we have thousands of people illegally flooding into our country daily, some bringing the coronavirus with them. I thought he was going to admit that paying people not to work has been a disaster for employers trying to recover from the effects of the pandemic and the disastrous decision to lock down the country. He could have talked about how students, especially poor and minority ones, have fallen disastrously behind in their education because he wouldn’t stand up to the teachers unions. The article might have been about how he orchestrated the pullout of Afghanistan abandoning thousands of Americans and Afghanis who aided us in fighting the Taliban so he could have a 9/11 photo op. Alas, the article was about the hurricane. C’mon Joe, admit it. You’re a disaster.

Kevin Kaatz

Oro Valley

Consult your doctor, not TV

Odd how the people who wouldn’t ask their physician about the latest news are sometimes the same people who seek medical information from their favorite “news” outlet.

Sharron Roemer

East side

Roll call for the unvaccinated

April 15 was eventful for two reasons, first of course it’s tax day. Secondly it was when the supply and the ability to administer lifesaving mRNA technology COVID vaccines exceeded demand and all Americans could make this personal health choice.

Many have said no and I ask why. If America is to put COVID in our rearview mirror we must understand the unvaccinated:

(1) Evangelical Christians who may believe that illness is God’s will

(2) Illegal residents who fear that they will be deported if they come forward

(3) Libertarian groups who maintain that our Constitution allows all Americans to opt out

(4) Black Americans who suspect that this is just another century-old syphilis experiment

(5) The young and invincible that are tuned out and don’t care

(6) Busy, working people who don’t have time to get vaccinated.

Have I missed any of you?

Jeffrey McConnell

West side

With rights come responsibilities

Re: the Sept. 9 letter “Woman’s uterus belongs to her”

According to that letter, “The issue is body autonomy. A woman has the right to decide what goes on with her body.”

Don’t responsibilities go hand-in-hand with rights? And why do people who espouse this argument seem to propose that this right only begins after the woman becomes pregnant.

Other than in the case of rape, if a woman has the sole right to determine whether or not a child is born, doesn’t a woman have the right and responsibility to prevent an unwanted pregnancy?

Seems to me that some believe that “getting a woman pregnant” and financially supporting a child is a man’s responsibility, while only a woman has the right to decide if that child is born.

John Cioffi

Northeast side

Lots of plants produce pollen

There has recently been a Pima-centric discussion on whether or not to lift the ban on “fruiting” olive varieties. These fruiting varieties have been banned in Pima County for years due to the high allergic reaction to its pollen.

I wonder what the surveys at the time reveal about the level of mesquite, palo verde, and Parkinsonia tree pollen in the same samples. They seem to release highly allergic pollen as well.

It would be impossible to ban them as they volunteer everywhere, but they are natives. A letter writer said that’s why olive trees should be banned period, as they are not native.

Just a reminder that our Sonoran Desert has many great native plants but we have in our gardens and parks scores of plants that come from Australia, South Africa, Mexico & south, aloes from Africa. You get the point. I’m not ready to give up my Mediterranean fan palms just yet.

Allan Rose

Northeast side

Maybe we’re all to blame

Even though nearly one-eighth of a million people were evacuated from Afghanistan in 15 days, some letter writers complained that President Biden is the worst president of our era or he should be impeached.

In my lifetime President Eisenhower cut and ran out of Korea as did President Ford out of Vietnam, President Obama out of Iraq and President Biden out of Afghanistan. Retreating from losses in disastrous foreign wars seems less an impeachable offense and more a job description for American presidents.

All of this could have been avoided if the advice of President Dwight Eisenhower, our last general who one a major war, had been heeded. He warned us to not get involved in land wars in Asia and to beware the military industrial state. Americans did neither. Perhaps we should all accept the blame.

Susie Morris


Coaches need to put kids first

I read an article in the paper a while ago about youth football returning after a year off. Those of you running organizations and coaching, please remember what you’re there for. I’ve been involved in youth sports for many many years and have seen the good and the bad from it.

Youth football is not about coaching the kids anymore; it’s about parents and coaches now and that needs to stop.

So please do your jobs correctly and get rid of the ego. You are not the lords of all creation — if you were, you wouldn’t be coaching youth football.

Just because you were named head coach or elected to the board does not mean you know everything or are above everybody else. You’re there for the kids to help them and do what’s best for them. Please remember that!

Joe Vega


At 80, I don’t scare easily

Had my womb removed this past year.

Texas…You don’t scare me!

I must admit, I’m very ready to give you back to Mexico.

Years ago, Sam Houston did us no favors.

P.S.: I’m 80.

Sue Thompson


Hansen, Davis much appreciated

I feel so lucky that both Greg Hansen and Tony Davis continue to provide depth, information and Tucson context to Star readers.

I rarely care about the sports pages, but read all of Hansen’s 100 articles. Especially glad he provided a lot of focus on coaches at all levels/sports and the long-term positive support/example the best provide for their players. Also, the excellent historical context that he detailed on racism in sports.

Tony Davis not only covers the many environmental issues we face, but gives background/context. When I came to Tucson, the Sierra Club and Arizonans for Water Without Waste (Juel Rodak) were the only voices in town. Tony knows that history, and more from times before.

Grateful thanks to them both!

Carolyn Leigh

West side

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