I read the 31 December article by "Howard Fischer Capital Media Services" (sic) with astonishment and disgust. Over and over the state authorities were reportedly relating current, past, and projected COVID-19 statistics as the monotonous dirge of "mitigation strategies" (wash, distance, isolate, and mask) were apparently chanted periodically. There was no detailed reporting of the intrastate distribution of the vaccine, no details as to how many such places there are, no details concerning what the number by site of vaccinations planned was nor what number was accomplished, and no details on how this information is reported to state authorities. Obviously it's not being reported to the public. Statements regarding the accomplishment and reporting of this most obvious and critical mitigation strategy discussed future actions ( i.e., in coming weeks, by the end of January or February, in two months, in the Spring, by Summer, etc.). We need an on-going vaccination program NOW. After months of planning and training, Dr. Christ and team need to get off the dime.

Jim Morrow

North side

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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