I would like to add more info on AZ school voucher tax giveaways. These vouchers were originally meant for kids with disabilities or from poor or failing schools. GOP changed that to 'all students'. A big chunk of funding for schools comes from property taxes. Typically, this is why low income neighborhoods are where the low performing schools are compared to high income neighborhoods. Tuition at a good private school would be much more than the $7000 the GOP is giving away. So who do you think is taking the most advantage of this? The evidence since this tax giveaway was initiated is that a majority of those cashing in on them are already attending good private schools. This generally means that their parents can afford it anyway. Why doesn't the Goldwater Institute challenge this, at a time when Arizona ranks 49th in the US for funding public education? The Arizona Center for Economic Progress has all the facts and figures if you wish to verify this.
Art Coppola
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.