Christian nation?

Dear Representative Ciscomani,

I understand that you were on the Board of the Patriot Academy for 14 years, an organization whose belief is to bring Christian values to the government. That would include changing the U.S. Constitution making us a “Christian Nation” only. If the Republicans win in November, you most certainly will propose that we become that “Christian Nation.” Since there are so many Christian denominations to choose from in this country, could you please advise me as to which one I will need to be baptized in? I want to make sure I’m baptized in the “right” one so that you may see me as a good American! Could you respond quickly? I would like to start preparing my baptism into your recommended denomination immediately! Thanks.

Your “right” kind of American guy,

Frank J. Perez


Our duty to vote for the good of all

Our vote is important. Even if we don’t like a particular candidate, we have an obligation to vote for policies that are good and will benefit the people of our country, and not for evil ones which will cause further demoralization and destruction. Many do not understand that the Democratic Party has evolved into a socialist Communist party and is no longer the party we had under JFK. Leaders will not long be remembered, but the policies made will impact the direction of our country for decades to come. Don’t let our republic become a tyrannical democracy in which the will of the people is not honored. Please take this responsibility and duty to vote for policies that will honor our constitutional republic. Effective policies that guide our future will result when we vote for sound policies, not personalities.

Sharon Greene

Green Valley

Who is Ruben Gallego?

I believe the Ruben Gallego story should be more transparent.

Generally considered a progressive, Gallego has supported the Medicare for All Act, ending the Senate filibuster, and cutting military spending.

Gallego opposed the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade.

On February 9, 2023, Gallego voted against overturning the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, which would allow noncitizens to vote in local elections in the District of Columbia.

His book “They Called Us Lucky”, was described as full of “slogging political ruminations, self-aggrandizement, and a lack of focus.”

He divorced his pregnant wife Kate in 2017 and remarried in 2021.

What’s in those divorce records, is a public record.

Those records are likely to include Ruben’s self-admitted efforts to deal with post-traumatic stress syndrome after he returned from Iraq. “I was drinking a lot,” he wrote in this memoir.

I believe voters have a right to know when a U.S. Senate seat is involved.

Tom McGorray

Northwest side

The most distasteful chatter

There is so much to dislike about this 2024 Presidential election cycle: attack ads, disinformation, offensive language, and the outrageous amounts of money spent by both parties.

But what I am finding even more disturbing and distasteful is voters, both men and women, questioning whether Kamala Harris is Presidential material because she is a woman. History doesn’t support that outdated, discriminatory bias. Women have stepped up during times of national crisis and measured up to lead their countries to triumph. Whether you like their policies or not Indira Gandhi of India, Golda Meir of Israel and Maragret Thatcher of Great Britain met political challenges with success and were reelected. Prime Ministers Meir and Thatcher served during times of war. Both were successful. The question voters should be asking of any Presidential candidate is not what their sex is but are they honest, smart, knowledgeable and competent.

Polly Weber

Northwest side

Republican rock band

Responding to MAGA letter writer Steve Sollenberger, and channeling humorist Dave Barry, “Intentionally Obtuse and the Flat-Out Stupids” would be an excellent name for the Republican house band.

Robert Finn

West side

Prop 140

We love Arizona and our country but often struggle to find candidates or parties that match our views, and many others feel the same. One-third of Arizona voters aren’t aligned with either major party.

Prop 140 would create a single, nonpartisan primary open to all voters and candidates, encouraging more competition. It allows voters to choose candidates from any party and helps incumbents focus on the country, not just their party. The legislature will pass a law determining how many candidates move to the general election — if more than two, they’ll use ranked-choice voting to ensure majority winners. The law will apply to all state and federal races and cannot be changed by the Legislature for six years. There are some valid criticisms, but they’re less problematic than our current system, and we can fix them as we become more informed. Prop 140 is a crucial first step.

For more choices, influence, and accountability, vote yes on Prop 140.

Mike and Susan LeSueur


I know Juan Ciscomani

I went to high school with Juan Ciscomani. He was then, and is still, an incredibly warm, kind person to all. The attacks on his personal character are extreme and uncalled for.

I do not get involved in politics because of the division it can cause, but when I saw the tv ads attacking his faith and patriotism I had to speak up for his character. Juan’s opponent’s demeaning hyper-focus on Juan should shift to addressing how she will tackle necessary issues.

This is not just about an election. It is about leadership and how we treat each other in the process. What the local citizens of our district, need are conversations on solutions fueled with a positive intent to unite on a common ground. This approach would better influence and impact future generations. Let’s keep the conversation elevated and mature with fresh ideas, not outlandish personal attacks. As a wife, mother of four, and a small business owner, I trust Juan Ciscomani to lead.

Kimberly Neal

East side

Rep. Juan Ciscomani

VP debate

I certainly got a chuckle, no it was a downright belly laugh, when J.D. Vance proclaimed the peaceful transfer of power by Donald Trump. Peaceful?? Yes, because he ran or should I say he was sent home to Mar a Lago with his tail between his legs like a lost puppy dog after losing the 2020 election.

Vance continued on with the lie, clearly by not saying that the election was lost and he would not have certified the election. Trump will go down as the only President who did not transfer power to the elected winner as has been done by every President in our over two hundred plus year history. Peaceful indeed.

William Lauffer

Oro Valley

An important moment

At Tuesday’s debate, Vance refused to answer whether he thought Trump lost in 2020, preferring instead to mumble some obviously canned sop about looking to the future.

If you can’t admit to such a basic fact about the past, how in the world can you be trusted to deal with whatever may happen in the future?

Nor, unfortunately, is the question moot or irrelevant. Four years on, much of the turmoil, anger, dissension and fear stems from trump’s Big Lie, and any politician who is unwilling to admit the obvious must be called to task.

I’m not big on a litmus test for candidates, but if you refuse to admit that which every court, governor and election official has certified as true (regardless of party), you should be kept as far from the seat of power as possible.

Larry Fleischman

Northeast side

Down-ballot races matter

At a recent LD 17 Democratic town hall the speakers were Kevin Volk, who is running for the Arizona House, and John McLean who is running for the Senate. They both talked about addressing major problems such as water policy, housing and sustainable funding for education which have been either ignored (water) or made worse (public education) by the Republican controlled legislature. Volk’s two opponents are members of the so-called Arizona Freedom team. They are Maga extremists who want to abolish abortion. One of them introduced a bill giving Trump all of Arizona’s electoral votes before the 2024 election is held. McLean’s opponent, Vince Leach, pitches himself as a moderate. But his legislative record is that of an ideologue. He supported universal school vouchers, voted to cut taxes for corporations and voted for a flat tax, all of which have created a huge shortfall in the state’s budget. We need representation that will tackle the hard problems we face, not Republican extremists.

Eileen Holowell

Oro Valley

Be a climate voter

Hurricane Helene’s 800-mile path of destruction is a stark reminder of the high cost of climate change disasters: homes, roads, and businesses decimated; $35 billion in property damage; hundreds of lives lost or unaccounted for, displaced families, and untold misery. Fortunately, FEMA currently has 3,500 responders in all six states coordinating recovery efforts, assisting in search and rescue, providing generators, food, water, and other supplies to meet their needs.

Should Trump be allowed to implement his plan to eliminate the EPA and FEMA, while increasing the use of fossil fuels, things will only get worse for all of us with more frequent climate disasters of even greater magnitude and devastation with no federal agency to assist states in rebuilding our communities.

For our own health and safety and the sake of our planet, we must continue to invest in green energy projects, carbon removal, and electric vehicles that are reducing emissions and super pollutants from our atmosphere. We cannot afford not to.

Jackie Marshall

Oro Valley

The climate hoax

The hoax is not that the climate is changing but that “we” are responsible and worse that “we” can do something about it. I think that older dramatic change is evident with the beautiful floor tiles now being discovered under water in places around the world. What climate change brought about that increase of ocean levels? Certainly not fossil fuels. So what did the people of those days do to cause that? Nothing. It was the nature of our planet to change whatever it will. So stop with demonizing people that do not swallow this hoax nor drink the Kool-aid that goes along with it. We should continue to do what we can to protect our lands, keeping the land and air clean. We should not fall into spending government dollars that have little to do with actual change.

Carolyn L Stewart

Northwest side

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