Rainbow Lake: The jewel of Pinetop-Lakeside

In January 1979 I moved to Tucson with my family. Shortly after we discovered what “summer” really meant in the desert. Fortunately, we also discovered the White Mountains and Rainbow Lake. Our love affair with the lake continues to this day. Now Rainbow Lake is in trouble. The 100+ year old infrastructure is falling apart and the leakage sometimes causes the lake to all but dry up. If this jewel of Pinetop-Lakeside is to survive then those of us who love Rainbow Lake must dig down and support the efforts of our friends and neighbors to save it. I urge you to support the Rainbow Lake Conservation Company’s efforts to raise funds to qualify for a federal grant by contributing to their GoFundMe campaign. Go to the Gofundme.com web site and search for Help restore Rainbow Lake to make your contribution.

Tom Pyzdek

East side

Pima County needs to keep Rex Scott

Rex Scott is a leader we need to keep in Pima County leadership! My husband had the privilege of serving alongside Mr. Scott as a fellow principal in Tucson’s largest school district. He observed Rex as someone who did what he said he would do, treated his advocates and adversaries with respect, and demonstrated strategic and collaborative leadership that directly resulted in school improvement. More recently, I hold the privilege of enlisting Supervisor Scott as a guest speaker to share his expertise in leadership with aspiring special education leaders in my role as EDvance Program Director, Pima County School Superintendent’s office. I can also attest that Supervisor Scott is a person of his word, treats people with respect, and continues to be invested in education through his service to our programs. Character and competence count. We proudly support re-election of Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott.

Diane Kent

East side

Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos speaks to the press outside Banner/University Hospital about a deputy involved shooting earlier Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024.


Re: the Sept. 22 article “Nanos’ anger is a campaign issue.”

Tim Steller’s column raised serious questions about the fitness of Chris Nanos to be Pima County Sheriff. His propensity to become angry and his reaction to criticism are troubling characteristics. Several members of his staff have mentioned being re-assigned duties after questioning his directives. I vote consistently Democratic but only after examining candidates’ qualifications. Nanos doesn’t pass muster. I will be voting for Heather Lappin for Pima County Sheriff.

Dale Keyes

Northwest side

Davoli, Jackson, Logue will keep politics out

I am a CFSD parent and resident. In 2020, we moved to Tucson from Michigan. Given Arizona’s bottom national rankings in public school investment, I questioned whether to send our kids to public schools. I’m also an economist. So I drilled down into the data. CFSD schools are outperforming many public schools across Arizona and the country. Our schools are not failing. I have been blown away by the professionalism and excellence of CFSD teachers and administrators. I trust them to prepare my kids for a future workforce that will demand critical thinking, professional skills, and ability to work with different types of people. As a community, we need to vote loud and clear – we trust our highly qualified teachers and administrators. They are doing an amazing job. Our school board must focus on retaining and continuing to hire such exemplary professionals, not politicizing our schools. I am voting for Jacquelyn Davoli, Eileen Jackson, and Tom Logue for the CFSD school board. I hope you will join me.

Maria Porter


World’s strongest economy

Worried about the economy? Here are some things you should know.

The United States has the strongest economy in the world with a net worth of $28.7 trillion.

Biden’s policies resulted in the fastest recovery from worldwide inflation than any other industrialized nation. His investments in major manufacturing and clean energy projects in every state in the union created over 12 million new jobs, saw the lowest unemployment rate in 55 years, and an economic expansion unlike any the U.S. has ever seen.

Trump, on the other hand, plans to impose global tariffs increasing costs on imported goods we depend on, including gas, food, clothing, and prescriptions that will cost a typical household over $2,600 a year. He plans to raise income taxes for all but the wealthy, increase rents, and add $1,200 in annual mortgage costs. Trump’s policies will create skyrocketing inflation and ultimately a recession.

Want a strong economy? Vote for Kamala Harris who will continue investing in America and growing our prosperity.

Jacolyn Marshall

Oro Valley

She said what, when?

Let me start by saying I’m not a fan of Kari Lake. I’m also not a fan of someone who lies to get what he or she wants. Ruben Gallego is such a person. Ruben is using statements made by Kari when she was running for governor to make you believe she will block abortions in Arizona if she is elected to the U.S. senate.

If you studied government in school, you’ll know that a U.S. senator does not make Arizona laws. We have state representatives, senators, and a governor for that. In fact Gov. Ducey signed into law an abortion bill. It gives women 15 weeks to decide and it makes allowances for rape, incest, and the health of the mother. It unfortunately didn’t negate the territorial law. Hopefully the abortion referendum on this ballot will.

I may be a Republican, but I feel you ladies deserve a choice.

Steven Barker

East side

Political encouragement from superiors

Re: the Sept. 22 letter “UA finances.”

Political parties should not be encouraging people to support their candidates while in the workplace. What can and cannot be done? For universities, it’s clear. A claim from a UA Senior Vice President to the Faculty Senate that employees need a supervisor’s permission to engage in political activity is wrong. Such activities can’t be prescribed. Arizona law prohibits university employees from attempting to influence the vote or political activities of subordinates over whom they have authority. ARS 15-1633 states that a supervisor cannot prohibit you from engaging in political activities on your own time, provided you do not use university resources. Neither the Regents nor university officials have jurisdiction. Violations are handled by the Arizona Attorney General or the County Attorney.

Ted Downing, former State Legislator and UAz Faculty Senator


A new era of global authoritarianism

As we sprint toward Election Day and struggle to make sense of today’s pressing domestic issues, Russia and China position themselves as leaders on the world stage.

In February 2022, Putin and Xi signed a “No Limits Partnership” and in May 2024, Xi stated that, “Russia and China have a chance to drive change in the world we have not seen in a century.”

While we focus on unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, missing cats, and Taylor Swift’s political endorsement, Russia fights Ukraine to “consolidate the Slavic core of Russia” and expand Russian rule. And the FBI notes that, “China is seeking to become the world’s greatest superpower through predatory lending, theft of intellectual property, and cyber intrusions.”

Globally, authoritarianism and dictatorial partnerships are on the rise. Meanwhile, Trump says that, if re-elected, he would not be a dictator “except for day one,” and “you won’t have to vote anymore.” So yes, a dictator.

Vote for Harris/Walz to safeguard democracy and liberty among nations.

Carla O’Hara

Northwest side

Vanessa listens

I have known Steve Christy personally for more than 30 years. Yet, I am voting for Vanessa Bechtol for District 4 County Supervisor. Steve’s political ads say: “I love being your supervisor.” Yes, it is always about Steve — not about the needs and interests of his constituents in the sprawling, gerrymandered District 4.

Years ago, I requested Steve’s help for a local nonprofit. He declined — “It may cost me money.” Later, when first running for supervisor, he violated a local group’s meeting rules by injecting politics. Without my permission and to my embarrassment, he cited me as a reference for the office of supervisor.

Vanessa Bechtol listens to constituents. After an extensive one-on-one conversation with Vanessa and after hearing her address community groups, I believe we have a candidate who is dedicated to community service. Not self-service. Vanessa has community service in her DNA, is highly articulate, deftly handles conflicts, and … she listens and learns.

Philip Silvers

Green Valley

Gerrymandered LD17 voters!

In 2021, State Senator Vince Leach pushed hard behind the scenes to gerrymander LD17 to improve his re-election chances. He then lost his primary and burdened us with unserious candidates Wadsack, McGarr, and Jones, who held no townhalls, would not respond to constituents’ concerns, and proposed nonsense legislation during their terms in office.

Now, candidate Leach wants to step back in and take advantage of the crazy quilt of communities that he helped create that make up LD17. Not so fast!

As a resident of the former LD10, I know LD17 voters deserve better. We deserve serious candidates who will represent our needs and address our concerns: funding public education, affordable housing, protecting freedoms and rights, and preserving our precious water resources.

Please read the 2024 Voter Education Guide and join me in casting your ballot for candidates with integrity John McLean and Kevin Volk for informed, responsive, and responsible representation in Phoenix.

Judi Moreillon

Northeast side

A Christian nation?

Dear Mr. Ciscomani,

As a retired Tucson cleric, I find your deep involvement as a founder of the Arizona chapter of “The Patriot Academy” troubling. Your organization states that “our education system teaches an anti-Biblical view of virtually every issue in the culture,” and offers its own “Biblical Citizenship Class” based on Christian teaching. Yet, there is no mention of God – Christian, or otherwise – in our United States Constitution. In fact, Article 6 of the Constitution states that “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust.” The First Amendment further declares that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” However, you and the Patriot Academy seem intent on making this a Christian nation. Its website trumpets: “The future of America is truly at stake.” Rather, I feel that the future of our Constitution is truly at stake by extreme organizations like The Patriot Academy, and acolytes of its goals such as you.

John Lillie


Posturing or policy

In his weekly newsletter of September 23, Rep. Juan Ciscomani informed us that he had introduced H.R. 9678, which would among other things “prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to house inadmissible migrants on federal lands.”

I can’t imagine any opposition to reducing hazardous trash piles along the border, another goal of the bill. But I wonder why the federal government should be forbidden to erect temporary shelters, perhaps tents, to protect eventual deportees from increasingly hot Arizona summers.

Perhaps Rep. Ciscomani’s fertile imagination might better be used in crafting an immigration policy acceptable to the American people and to his colleagues on both sides of an aisle that increasingly resembles the damn 30-foot walls erected by the former president.

Frank Bergen

North side

Rex Scott gets things done

In less than three years since his election as Pima County Supervisor, Rex Scott has 1. Created a Pima County Early Education Program allowing thousands of preschoolers to attend preschool; 2. Improved thousands of miles of county roads; 3. Promoted Common-sense Gun Reform; 4. Passed an Economic Development Plan to attract businesses to Pima County; 5. Supported increased staffing of Deputies and Corrections Officers; 6. Supported new facilities for adult and youth sports; and 7. Advocated to increase affordable housing.

What has his opponent done during this same time? 1. Bowed out of a debate with Scott minutes before it was to occur; 2. Called Scott’s Preschool Education plan, “socialism”; and 3. Erected political signs with blatant lies about Scott’s tenure as County Supervisor.

Vote to retain Rex Scott as our County Supervisor. He gets things done.

April Hoffman

Oro Valley

School security

Recent articles in the Star have detailed increased security measures at both high schools and middle schools. Other articles have highlighted bomb threats and guns on campuses. This Sunday’s New York Times listed the various school items that can be purchased as bullet proof. Is it any wonder teachers and students are fleeing public education and opting for home schooling?

Charles Schultz

Northeast side

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