Election 2020 Senate Debate

Democratic challenger Mark Kelly, left, and Republican U.S. Sen. Martha McSally are separated by plexiglass as they participate in Tuesday’s debate at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University in Phoenix.

McSee you

later, Martha

Even if Martha McSally hadn’t voted multiple times to eliminate health coverage protections for preexisting conditions, and even if she hadn’t been a puppet for Donald Trump’s destructive policies, and even if she had been responsive to her constituents, we would know that her false and cruel attacks against Mark Kelly clearly show her lack of integrity. We didn’t want her in 2018, and we certainly don’t want her now.

Ellen OBrien


America needs

Arizona to step up

Bruce Springsteen recently came out with an amazing new video called “America needs Pennsylvania” in support of Joe Biden.

America also needs Arizona. It needs us to stand together and vote out the center of this vortex of evil that has swept across our once great nation. If you love this land of the free, it is time to make your voices heard. This could be your last chance to save the America that we love.

Donald Trump stands for the absolute worst side of America. Hatred, meanness, lying, racism, fear, criminality and misogyny are unfortunately common but need not predominate. There is also kindness, tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness, faith and love. What we feed will grow.

There is a much better way. The problems facing our country and world such as global warming and this pandemic can never be solved unless we stand together as one.

It is time to rise up on Nov. 3 and pull this home of the brave back from the edge of the cliff. Vote!

Dr. Daniel Bergher

Northwest side


the candidates

Joe Biden is compassionate and thoughtful. He is understanding, works with others, listens and is willing to cooperate with acknowledged experts, be they medical, military or intelligence. He is dignified, truthful and a real public servant.

He respects the rule of law, recognizes the third estate as an asset to our democracy, has the respect of other world leaders, does not insult or belittle those who oppose him and honored his oath to protect and defend the Constitution and strives to unite the country.

Donald Trump? What’s in it for him? He is the laughingstock of the world and a disgrace to the office of the presidency.

Dave Glicksman

North side

Marquez Peterson

for ACC commissioner

Do you know what the Arizona Corporation Commission does? The commission consists of five officials selected based on a statewide election. The main business of the commission is to oversee and approve all utility rate changes, and as such, has more direct impact on our daily lives than any other statewide office. If elected, Lea would be the only commissioner from Southern Arizona who will look out for struggling families and small businesses.

Since being appointed to the commission, Lea has already provided relief to families by approving over $40 million in rebates, and approved the suspending of utility shutoffs during the pandemic. Lea has exhibited tremendous leadership, first as a small business owner and then as the CEO of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. This is the kind of leadership that we need in our elected officials, and as a life long Democrat, I am proud to support Lea as she hopes to continue her service by retaining her seat on the commission

Frank Barraza

West side

It’s Trump’s policies that we need to fear

Re: the Oct. 17 letter “Focus on policies, not personalities.”

The letter deserves a response. Under Donald Trump we have had the following: First, an inappropriate response to the COVID-19 virus in which the U.S. leads the world in the number of deaths and illnesses and caused the current recession. Second, an attempt to force America to live under the dictates of certain religious doctrines that support him rather than practicing the concept of separation of the church from the state when determining policies.

Third, a record-setting deficit (something that Republicans support when and only when their party controls the presidency). Fourth, the lack of a health-care plan that Republicans claim has existed for the last eight years. And finally, a definite move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism that does not seem to bother supporters of the Republican Party.

No, I will not support the personality or policies of Donald Trump and his surrogates.

Craig Whaley

Northwest side

Europe actually has it worse

Among countries with extensive testing and reliable data reporting, such as France, Spain, and the United Kingdom, all have far more confirmed daily COVID cases than the U.S. As of Oct. 28, for example, the U.S. had 226.97 and France 511.95 new cases per million people of population.

Yet France, Spain and the UK all had lockdowns and other severe restrictions. Clearly their strategies were less effective in managing the spread of the virus than the approaches used here in the United States.

As a former professor of logic, I suggest relying on facts, not fear.

Kathleen Assar

Northwest side

Recall effort


I can understand why some citizens in Tucson would be upset about a mask mandate from our mayor. Answer me this, are you willing to risk your life and the lives of loved ones in order for you to affirm your beliefs that your rights are being trampled? When do health issues like a deadly viruses become a political hot potato?

Why would you complain about saving a life? Soldiers volunteer to fight for our country and rights. Why should we belittle the leaders in our communities and public-health officials who are sworn to protect the public? I think if one really has an issue with wearing a mask, my question is, why?

Not manly? When has it stopped being manly to protect your families and friends? Over 225,000 loved ones have died so far. When will it end?

We cannot wait for a promised vaccine. Following CDC guidelines is a simple way to protect us all. Wear a mask, social-distance and wash your hands frequently.

Joyce Harrison

East side

Zero care costs more than affordable care

Hardworking brother dies at 52, in 2014. Diagnosis: an inability to afford health insurance. No insurance equaled no primary care, no testing, bloodwork or diagnostics. Undiagnosed diverticulitis ultimately took his life. He also needed a hip replacement, not life-threatening, just ridiculously painful.

Health insurance was unaffordable before the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. I know — I paid insurance companies for 35 years in three states for high-deductible policies with 5-8% yearly increases and age increases when my son turned 15 and I turned 50. My monthly health insurance payment surpassed my mortgage payment.

I had $10,000 in medical debt before Obamacare was signed into law. I wept with relief; my government truly cared about me and millions of other Americans. Finally, affordable care. It’s too late for my brother but not too late to stop Donald Trump from taking away this lifesaving law.

Please raise your voice with your vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Mark Kelly to save our affordable health care.

Nina Borgia-Aberle

West side

Thomas should recuse himself

Re: the Oct. 28 article “Justice Thomas’ wife shares unsupported claims against Biden.”

Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife shared unsupported claims against Joe Biden, and raised concerns about the impartiality on the Supreme Court. Ginni Thomas, Justice Thomas’ wife, with 10,000 Facebook followers, asked them to share a link on alleged corruption by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, as well as claims that social media companies are censoring reports about the Bidens.

Judge Thomas’ conservatism, further propelled by his wife’s partisan politics, raises suspicions about his ability to make unbiased decisions. He has never stepped aside from any case involving Trump or current disputes over absentee ballot extensions and other voting issues.

The hypocrisy in nominating and confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court days before the election is disturbing. Our country deserves a court with judges who are not influenced by their family’s views of politics or religious beliefs. Life terms on the Supreme Court need to change to term limits. Our democracy depends on it.

Nancy Lefkowitz


A Republican

for Biden

To provide background, I am an older white male. I am and have been a registered Republican. I voted for Donald Trump and not for Hillary Clinton.

I remain loyal to my own conservative principals, but I am voting for Joe Biden. I have two main considerations. First, I do not trust a liar, and Trump has consistently lied to the citizenry. Maybe I could forgive a politician for lying; it can be their nature.

My second consideration is related to the first. He has been representing the conservative perspective. However, I think he has consistently demonstrated he is not a conservative. He has touted his skills as a businessperson but has increased our national debt each and every year since his inauguration.

This might be a fluke, except for the fact that he has a long history of indebtedness.

Michael Ullery


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