Warning could help prevent hot-car deaths

I just read that a 3-year-old died after being left in a car while the parent abandoned her while he or she went about their business.

I recently purchased a 2020 Hyundai, and even though I have no kids in the back seat, I take no offense at the message that appears when I shut the car off: “Check Rear Seats.”

Many safety devices are required by law. As a conservative Republican, I generally resent being bossed around by government. Still it seems to me this warning belongs on every car and should be made available as a retrofit to all cars.

Let’s put an end to killing the little ones.

Chuck Josephson


President earned

police union’s support

A couple weeks ago, the National Association of Police Officers Union representing 200,000 police officers across the country, endorsed President Trump over Joe Biden. Why was that? This organization previously endorsed Barack Obama.

Unions normally endorse Democrats. Do you really think the police union would endorse Trump, who Biden has accused of fomenting violence, if they believed he was doing so? They know Trump fully supports them. Where has Biden been during the violent unrest over the last three months that has seen dozens of police officers attacked and injured?

Several have been killed. Biden has been silent. He is only condemning the violence now for political reasons. There is no other explanation for it. His internal polling and focus groups are showing it is hurting him.

Who are police officers to believe and trust? Trump, who has supported them from Day 1 calling for law and order, or Biden who does something for obvious political expediency? That one is not hard to figure out!

Stella Murphy


Trump finally

is on to something

While researching the Social Security deferral, I saw a video posted by ABC on Aug. 20. In it, President Trump responds to a question about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision regarding the subpoena of his income tax filings. Trump said, “But this is just a continuation of the most hideous witch hunt in the history of our country ... the most disgusting witch hunt in the history of our country.”

Yes, indeed, they are hunting the most hideous and disgusting witch in the history of our country. Will (blunders) never cease?

James Abels


Ben’s Bells story

a welcome reprieve

The Ben’s Bell award was particularly heartwarming this week. The honoree was Rene Luera, a recycle driver for Waste Management. In these times of such negative press, it was nice to see an ordinary hard worker recognized. I appreciate reading stories like that. It would be nice to have more of the same.

Judy Falewicz


We must learn to deal with heat emergencies

It’s official: Our city is sizzling. With an average daily high of over 105 degrees, August in Tucson was the hottest on record — more than 8 degrees above normal. In fact, according to the National Weather Service, this summer is well on track to be the hottest since 1897, the year Tucson started to keep records.

As temperatures soar, thousands reach for the thermostat to cool their homes, straining the electric grid’s ability to keep up and risking catastrophic power failure. This should be alarming to everyone, especially those most vulnerable to extreme heat including the elderly, the disabled and those unable to care for themselves. In light of the facts, neighborhood residents must work together to become resilient to the threat of heat emergencies. Building Resilient Neighborhoods, a local organization, helps residents do just that.

Gene Einfrank

West side

McSally obsessed with Kelly’s finances

First I saw ads on TV showing Martha McSally obsessed and outraged about Mark Kelly’s finances. Thank goodness the Daily Star explained what the fuss was all about. But I am still amazed that McSally made such a big to-do about nothing.

After all, she hasn’t said a word about Trump’s tax returns that were supposed to be revealed months, or is it years, ago!

Becky Schulman


Signature comment

a new low for Trump

Wonder why Kenosha didn’t want Donald Trump to visit? Perhaps it is because they had had several days of peace and didn’t want that to change. Or maybe it is because more than half the people arrested are from outside Kenosha.

Or maybe it is because they have heard about Trump’s visit to Lake Charles, Louisiana, two Saturdays ago. The area hit by Hurricane Laura is without electricity, water, has a shortage of other supplies, and many have lost their homes and businesses. Some have nothing but the clothes they are wearing.

During Trump’s visit, he joked with Gulf Coast officials that they could sell copies of his signature for $10,000. This is one of the most inappropriate, stupid comments I have ever heard. Joking when people are suffering severe devastation is revolting.

Why would anyone vote for someone that has no concern for these Americans? Today I regret I am a registered Republican.

KJ Gabhart

Northwest side

Kelly should pay taxpayers back

Mark Kelly was a co-founder in the stratospheric-balloon venture World View when Pima County provided it with a sweetheart $15 million loan to build their facility. The county also ponied up another $500,000 for furnishings. In 2017, World View’s first balloon blew up on the launching pad.

The company was advertised as taking people for balloon rides in outer space costing $75,000. That never happened. The company was touted to employ 400 people. That never even got close to happening.

Kelly left World View last year. He released a financial disclosure statement relative to his Senate candidacy listing assets of about $27 million. Kelly has been flooding TV with commercials wearing a tight fitting black T-shirt working on his motorcycle portraying himself as an average guy. What a joke!

His other ads attacked big pharma PACs, while he did numerous speaking engagements for corporations making him wealthy. My message to Mark Kelly is, “come on, man,” pay us back our $15 million in tax money!

Sally Minnington

North side

Veteran finds Trump’s comments unacceptable

Once again, our president makes disrespectful comments followed by lies and denials about those comments. Once again, our president has said things that are disparaging to our brave military members. He called U.S. soldiers injured or killed in war “losers,” questioned the country’s reverence for them and expressed confusion over why anyone would choose to serve.

This follows his unacceptable comments about John McCain, who suffered greatly as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Recently, the White House as well as the president are calling the report of his comments “patently” false. This is the typical walking back of controversial, false and cruel statements made by this president.

Comments like these are especially egregious coming from someone who went to extraordinary lengths to avoid service in the military during the Vietnam War. As a veteran myself, I find his comments offensive and unacceptable. He does not deserve to be president.

Lois Postil

Oro Valley

Coward dishonors

our service members

Remarkably, when we think we’ve seen or heard the worst, most outrageous affront and act of malfeasance by Donald Trump, he is able to further lower the bar. His latest outrage, arguably the worst of his innumerable offenses (so far), is the Atlantic Monthly report of his contempt of American military service personnel; even of those who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom in order to preserve this miscreant’s ability to insult and defame them.

This coward, who managed to avoid military service because of “bone spurs” (thereby avoiding being a “sucker” or “loser”), would have been an insult to any uniform that he might otherwise have worn.

Jack Graef


Trump unloads

on McCain again

As a Navy veteran, I no longer can remain silent as our president continues his attacks on the character of John McCain. How any military vet can support or remain silent on this matter is beyond my comprehension. Regardless of your political affiliation, there can be no doubt as to where anyone should stand on this issue. The president is off base in his comments and should be taken to task on these remarks.

Martin Daniels


Steller shines light

on baseless claims

Re: the Sept. 6 article “World View destined for great things despite misleading attacks from GOP.”

Tim Steller provided a community service in Sunday’s Daily Star by exposing the bald-faced lies appointed Sen. Martha McSally is broadcasting daily to undermine the U.S. Senate election in Arizona. In an often-repeated TV ad, she accuses Democratic senatorial candidate Mark Kelly of pocketing $15 million of taxpayer dollars, a charge that is absolutely baseless.

Such lies should not be allowed to stand in public discourse. Her slogan, “He’ll do anything for a buck, say anything for a vote,” is reminiscent of comments by her mentor, Donald Trump, who constantly projects his own criminal thoughts and intentions onto his opponents.

Thank you, Tim, for providing the facts that totally disprove McSally’s falsehoods.

Peggy Hendrickson

Green Valley

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