Somebody’s prayer got answered

Watching the confirmation hearings on Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court today, I see she has had a wonderful life of God’s favor.

Ms. Barrett says she is a believer in prayer. I know of many that believe in prayer that have prayed for some time for help for their daily food to mouth, rent to shelter and doctor to health problems in America today. If she votes to overturn the ACA, can she replace it with something as good for those who have no other choice?

If she votes to overturn Roe v. Wade, will she say in return, that the children born of this decision have a right to affordable health care, food and shelter and the love and compassion of a country sympathetic to their place in this life? If they are of a color not acceptable, a sexual determination not acceptable or unable to work to support themselves, will this be held against them?

I believe Amy Coney Barrett is an answer to Donald Trump’s prayers.

Sue Rux

East side

What GOP says doesn’t always add up

Could someone please help me figure this out! As an American Indian, I sometimes have a problem understanding the U.S. democratic/political system. Every time I hear Republicans talk about replacing Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg, they keep saying they want a “strict constitutionalist.” If the Republicans want a strict constitutionalist judge, then shouldn’t they adhere strictly to the original intent of the Constitution?

Doesn’t it say a two-thirds vote is needed to confirm a new judge? Wanting a strict constitutionalist judge, but not wanting to go strictly by the original Constitutional requirement and intent is, well, isn’t there a word for that? I think it starts with an “H.”

Can someone help me figure out what that word is? But mostly, help me understand how to confirm a new Supreme Court justice who is a “strict constitutionalist,” but not wanting to go strictly by what the Constitutional originally requires?

Jose Rivera

Southwest side

Not rich, powerful? Then take COVID seriously

Unless you are rich and powerful and/or you are well insured, be afraid of COVID!

Because if you are poor and uninsured what’s probably going to happen to you is that you’d be told, “Yes you have COVID. Go home, take some Aleve and isolate yourself in your room. When you can’t breath any more, call 911. Come back to the hospital, we’ll put you on a respirator and hope for the best.”

Rest assured, you are not going to get the latest experimental drug. So please, wear a mask, maintain social distance and be afraid of COVID.

Mirtha Nebeker

West side

Where is McSally on the census?

Can someone please explain why our (albeit appointed) Sen. Martha McSally is not actively lobbying on behalf of we the people of Arizona regarding the premature ending of the Census. An accurate census can only do the state good in terms of federal funds, representation in the House, etc. Did she not hear there is a pandemic going on?

If she has so little regard for the people of Arizona, perhaps she should consider moving to Texas where the governor is more active in suppressing the vote. Did she not take an oath (again) to uphold the U.S. Constitution? I am another disgusted registered Republican.

Michael Judd

East side

Vote for Cazares-Kelly

for county recorder

Tip O’Neill liked to say that “all politics is local.” My favorite local candidate is Gabriella Cazares-Kelly for Pima County Recorder. With all the tense hullabaloo over voting this year, we can all rest easy in future elections with her plan to protect and serve the voting citizens in our county.

She will institute 21st century document recording and provide ballot text receipt confirmation, just to name two of her brilliant initiatives. Arizona will also be proud to vote in our first native citizen to elected office. Indigenous woman coming through!

Cheryl Lockhart

Northwest side

Supreme Court showdown

I believe we should now eliminate the legislative branch of the government and turn it over to the Supreme Court since they take up any and all conservative cases that appeal (pun intended) to them. These issues were intended to be resolved in the legislative branch, with the Supreme Count being used only in rare cases. Now the Republicans run whining to the court over everything.

This judicial body has abandoned any semblance of impartiality, replacing it with their own, conservative, personal biases and views. If Democrats win and increase the number of justices, it will be a tit-for-tat move. This war will never end.

Judy Bullington

West side

Abortions will continue, just unsafely

Much is being said about the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and how it will affect abortion. If Roe v. Wade is overturned it will not stop women from getting abortions, it only stops them from getting a safe abortion. Some of the benefits of Roe v. Wade were the medical protocols, counseling, accessibility and financial stabilization.

It put women in control. Without the protection of Roe v. Wade, women will be forced into sad and dangerous conditions reminiscent of many years ago. Do we really want to go back to the dark days of birth control?

Lynda Franka

Southwest side

Trump regime keeping America from greatness

Donald Trump’s regime has expanded its corruption throughout his time in office. Bill Barr has made the Justice Department a branch of Trump, Inc. No justice here, just Trump and whatever he wants.

Rick Perry had no grasp of the great scientific research the Department of Energy sponsors, which is part of what makes America great. Louis DeJoy has corrupted the Post Office into an arm of Trump. The much-admired CDC is now having its scientific reports corrupted by political hacks, causing risk to anybody that still believes what they say.

Dr. Robert Redfield should resign in protest, except that Trump could then put somebody like Louis DeJoy into heading the formerly most respected medical advisory group in the world. People with spines of Jell-O are taking over, where they can admire The Man With No Ethics because they think that will make them great, too.

The stain of Trump has spread to take over most of what we used to think made America great.

George Yost


Tired of extremes? Vote for Rex Scott

I’ve been looking into the race for District One, County Supervisor. The statements and videos on the candidates, websites do tell a story of differences in both platform and demeanor. Rex Scott comes off as a consensus seeker willing to consider issues from an independent perspective. Steve Spain brags about being far-right wing and intending to be as disruptive as possible.

I, for one, am tired of extremists, so I like Scott better. I am also fed up with silly people who deny scientific facts such as climate change and the value of taking precautions to fight the coronavirus. Spain is such a silly person, while Scott is the adult in the room. Mr. Scott, thank you for running and putting up with the abuse. You have my vote.

Tom Hannagan


McConnell is sabotaging America

Re: the Oct. 14 article “McConnell says first order of business on Senate return is GOP virus relief bill.”

Where has he been for the last three months as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats passed a bill in the House that would have helped millions of Americans with relief? Mitch McConnell blocked the relief to the American People because he did not want to give relief to the cities, counties and states.

Look at the calculus of relief. Now that the election is at hand, McConnell is finally ready to give the American People some relief. Too little, too late.

I know the American people are too smart and see through McConnell’s self-serving, partisan politics, putting the party of the rich before the good of the United States. Shame on him and those who begrudge helping out their fellow Americans, cities, counties, states and schools.

Saúl Ostroff


Campaign donations, put to better use

I think the millions of dollars donated to political campaigns for the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives and the presidency should be taxed at 5-10%. That money could be used for research to find a cure for a deadly disease.

“I am Rick Fulgenzi, and I approve this message!”

Richard Fulgenzi

East side

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