Amy Morris works at the Flowing Wells Branch Library in the Young Adult Services and plans service-themed projects, which included making origami cranes that were sent to migrants and refugees in Costa Rica.

This is the latest in a series about what’s going on in the Pima County Public Library.

Some people search for purpose their whole life, while others know (or believe they know) it from the start. Others stumble onto their purpose by accident or through the weaving of different events.

And then there are those like me — people whose purpose was always with them, but they just hadn’t yet recognized it.

Simply stated, I was put on this earth to help and connect with others. While my purpose may shift and transform over time, I know I am where I am supposed to be and doing what I was meant to do.

At the Pima County Public Library, I am in charge of Young Adult Services at the Flowing Wells Branch Library. I also plan intergenerational service-themed projects.

These events, which are quite popular and welcome everyone from young to old, help build compassion, understanding, and appreciation for all people whether here or abroad. I’m proud to be part of a community that has such a generous nature for giving.

One service-themed event was for International Peace Day, which is held annually in September.

We made origami cranes that were sent to migrants and refugees in Costa Rica through the Peace Crane Project. We exchanged cranes, but we also shared stories, pictures and hope.

At the Flowing Wells Library, we’ve also enjoyed making cards that have been distributed to families staying at the Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Home, and other vital places in our community.

At work, I’m surrounded by caring people. My coworkers are no exception. They are kind and selfless and have always enjoyed helping others. They have participated in knitting and crocheting projects that have been donated to people in need, collected food, and sponsored a family.

But that’s not limited to just the staff of the Flowing Wells Library. System wide, Pima County Public Library is full of people who go out of their way to making our community a better, stronger, healthier place to live.

In April, we hosted our 23rd Annual Staff Auction for the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. It raised more than $7,500 this year, bringing the grand total up to more than $113,000. It makes me so proud to know we’re helping play a role in giving people equal access to healthy food and to programs that empower people to make real and lasting changes in their lives.

I’m blessed to be surrounded by this giving spirit in my work and in my community. But it’s also a big part of my family and I credit my parents and their own dedication to nonprofit organizations. This giving spirit helped instill in me a sense of service to others.

Being in graduate school and working full-time, I have loads of free time on my hands. (OK, just kidding). But I still find time to volunteer outside of work. I am part of the Tucson chapter of Little People of America , a national nonprofit organization, which provides support to people of short stature and their families. For nearly 10 years up (until the end of 2016), I held different officer positions including president .

I grew up in LPA and have been fortunate to receive so much from the organization, including finding some of my closest friends, bolstering my confidence, accessing medical support and information, and participating in networking opportunities.

When I thought I had a more manageable plate, I became a board member of Dwarf Athletic Association of America . Created in 1985, DAAA is a nonprofit organization that develops, promotes, and provides quality amateur-level athletic competition for dwarf athletes in the United States.

I serve as the liaison between the social and sporting organizations, helping bring sporting events for dwarf athletes in a more local and regional setting.

We host national games with a variety of sports. Every four years, we have our World Dwarf Games where national and international athletes come together to compete in sports from badminton to swimming. This year, our World Dwarf Games will be held in Canada, at which I will be helping and competing as a member of Team USA.

Different people discover passion and purpose in their own unique ways. Sometimes it’s found in the most unlikely places and in the most unconventional ways. For me, they are inextricably linked with the person I am at home and at work.

My purpose of helping and connecting others drives me every day. I’m so thankful to have these opportunities in my life both at work and outside of work.

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Amy Morris has worked for Pima County Public Library since 2013. She serves on the Young Adult Services and the Welcome to America Team, which oversees services and programs for those newly-arrived in our community. She reads teen fiction, browses cookbooks and loves to geek out over new picture books. Morris is currently reading “The Book of Joy.” She will graduate from San Jose State University with her master’s in library science this year.