
Shareef O’Neal and his father Shaq. Bruce Pascoe / Arizona Daily StarΒ 

Arizona commit Shareef O'Neal has signed financial aid papers with Arizona, according to 24/7 Sports, giving the Wildcats two signees for the fall signing period.

Brandon Williams announced last week he signed with the Wildcats, also in non-binding form. O'Neal has not announced anything publicly, though his travel ball coach told 24/7 Sports that he signed.

Signing the financial aid papers allows both players the option to easily go elsewhere if the Wildcats are handed NCAA sanctions or other issues arise. Normally, coaches press for players to sign binding letters-of-intent by saying they won't reserve a spot unless they know for sure a player is coming.

UA coach Sean Miller said last Friday he would discuss recruiting this week but declined to do so during his weekly news conference Wednesday, possibly because he was waiting to see if O'Neal would sign.

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