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Notes and takeaways from the Arizona Wildcats’ media availability after practice Tuesday as the team began its bye week:

* UA coach Rich Rodriguez said veteran Brandon Dawkins remains the team’s starting quarterback, despite committing four turnovers in last week’s loss to Utah. Rodriguez also said backup Khalil Tate hasn't been healthy or able to throw regularly because of a shoulder injury but was "full go" at practice this morning. I’ll have more on the quarterback situation (what else?) later today.

* Rodriguez on whether “Stud” DeAndre' Miller (foot) will return for Oct. 7 game at Colorado: "He’s one that we’re hopeful we can get back." Miller has yet to play this season. You can also put defensive tackle Parker Zellers in that category. He missed the past two games because of an ankle injury.

* Rodriguez said defensive Sione Taufahema has lost some weight, has gotten in better shape but needs to drop more. Taufahema missed time and fell behind in August after undergoing a knee scope. Rodriguez didn't rule out the possibility of lifting Taufahema’s redshirt at some point this season. The same applies to other players on the scout team, Rodriguez said.

* Receiver Tony Ellison is having a breakout year (14 catches, team-high 182 yards, two touchdowns) but described it as "bittersweet" because the Wildcats are 2-2.

* Fundamentals will be the primary focus during the bye. “Sometimes as coaches we get caught up in schemes and X’s and O’s,” Rodriguez said.

* Another bye-week task for the coaching staff: re-examining schemes and personnel. "There’s a lot of evaluating going on this week," Rodriguez said.

* Most of Rodriguez's staff will hit the road to recruit after practice Thursday morning. He said the early signing period (Dec. 20-22) "adds even more importance" to early-fall recruiting and evaluation.

* Rodriguez on the film from the Utah game: "Some of it was their doing, but some of it was our doing, and the things that were our doing we’ve gotta fix in a hurry."

* The field goal Arizona missed at the end of the first half was ruled “short” in the gamebook. But it appeared to be blocked by Utah’s Leki Fotu, and it might have been an illegal play. I’ll have more on that later too.

* A scout from the New England Patriots attended practice.

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