Thanks, but no thanks

A recent letter-writer wrote about Kari Lake and abortion rights, stating, “I may be a Republican, but I feel you ladies deserve a choice.” Yes, we do!

Arizona taxpayers have paid many thousands of dollars defending against Lake’s endless claims that she won the 2020 gubernatorial election. In that race she stated her opinion on abortion. The letter-writer says candidates for national office do not decide on abortion access, but a national abortion ban would “trump” any law stating otherwise, so — wrong!

Kari Lake will say and do whatever it takes to claim power. Does she care about Arizona taxpayers? No! Does she care about Arizona issues? Only as a means to power.

As a woman, a taxpayer, and a patriot, I’ll vote for Ruben Gallego. In the House of Representatives, he has worked honestly and across party lines to do what is best for Arizona and for the nation, as he will do as Senator.

E. Kathy Suagee


Zelenskyy’s visit to Scranton, Pa.

Remember when Trump was president, he made a call to Zelenskyy. In it he asked him to find information about the Bidens. The Democrats in the House impeached him.

On Zelenskyy‘s visit to address the United Nations he took time off to visit a shell factory in Scranton, Pa. You know the Scranton Biden likes to talk about. While there he took the time to praise Biden/Harris for their enthusiastic support and was critical of the Trump/Vance team.

Pennsylvania is critical to win the coming election. Together with the strong words of the Pa. Governor this was clearly not an incidental side trip. It was designed to garner votes for Harris. If he was flown there at our expense that only adds to how wrong this was.

Trump impeached for a phone call. Impeaching Biden would even the score.

Jack Walters

Northeast side

Open minds

It seems like Donald Trump is depending on men who react poorly to the idea of a woman being their boss to win the election. Many Asian, Latino, and Mid-Eastern men have been steeped in the female having a subservient position in life, and that to consider Kamala competent to lead is an affront to their manhood.

Also, a significant number of working-class men who would not accept a biracial, strong, competent woman as President feeds many long held prejudices.

And yet, most American citizens are educated, and one would think that would eliminate such warped attitudes. No, even the highly educated, with lofty degrees and positions in society, have difficulty escaping cultural bias. Education provides facts, not open minds.

So, Trump may rise to the top on a wobbly wagon of ignorance.

Ron Lancaster

North side

Supporting Ciscomani

I am a registered Independent and glad to see Rep. Juan Ciscomani focus on results instead of partisan bickering. He has shown a willingness to work with either party, to implement common-sense solutions. This is why he was ranked as the most bipartisan member of Arizona’s Congressional delegation. Instead of attacking members of the opposite party, he is out in the community, attending events, talking to people and looking for ways to help. Using his position in the Appropriations Committee, he secured $26 million in federal funding for a dozen projects all over the district. I am glad to have a representative that is focused on results instead of partisan politics.

David Goldstein


Running schools like a business

Angry that the people that destroyed the U of A’s budget continue to collect a paycheck for years, plus bonuses, while the people that do the work of teaching and maintaining the university get nothing?

Before you get your pitchfork, remember this: For the last few decades, this nation has been telling schools to run like a business. This is what that looks like. From golden parachutes for incompetent administrators, to poverty wages for the people doing the real work, to children not getting lunch because they ran out of cash, this is American schools following the American corporate model which, again, the schools have been very clearly told to do.

The only real fix is to change the national attitude towards education. Let schools return to focusing on educating students rather than generating a profit. Return to the idea that education is an investment rather than a cost.

David Reynolds

East side


It has been nearly two weeks Since the Arizona Daily Star decided to change the comics. I miss nearly all of the previous comics both in the main paper and the online comics extra section. I don’t know what instigated the change but I have read the various letters to the editor that have been submitted since 15 September, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Though some may judge that it says much about my character, I tend to read the comics first when reading the paper as it prepares me to read the rest of all the disheartening news in these troubling times.

Not knowing the financial decisions that drove this, from my point of view and seeing the number of letters to the editor written on this subject, taking away our pre-15 September comics was a really bad decision! At the very least, if you are not going to publish the former comic strips, please put them in the online extra section so we can continue to enjoy them.

Peter Garcia

Northwest side

Be careful who you vote for

Those people who are suffering “euphoric recall” and voting for Trump, should realize they are voting for J.D. Vance who thinks it is fine to make things up if it gets press attention. I have been fiscally conservative all my life, but realize the only way to purge the United States from its insanity is to vote Democratic all the way. It is not the party of Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan any more — it is a populist movement being manipulated by big money.

Stephen Devitt

East side

Trump’s economy

Economists disagree on how to improve the economy. But they do agree that a president alone doesn’t shape the economy.

As we all know, economies shut down worldwide in 2020 because of Covid. When Covid subsided and demand grew, supply chains couldn’t keep up. Inflation was the natural result – around the world. Biden didn’t create inflation.

Contrary to Trump’s lies, the U.S. is succeeding in combating Covid-caused inflation.

Don’t be fooled by Trump’s claim that he produced a great economy. The economy he inherited from President Obama faltered even before Covid because of Trump’s huge giveaway to the wealthy and his misunderstanding of tariffs. Deficits soared, and the promised manufacturing jobs never appeared.

Sometimes the good ol’ days weren’t really that great.

Trump’s promise to create a great economy is as meaningless as all his other promises.

Lisa Wolfe

North side

Campaign signs

While driving today I saw several Harris Walz signs vandalized. It actually was not surprising to me as this type of juvenile, disgusting, unlawful behavior that is totally emblematic of the candidate for whom they are voting. My hope is this kind of behavior will convince those on the fence and swing voters to vote blue for decency and the American way.

Rick Rogers

Northwest side

Ciscomani bill for Veteran families passes

Last week Representative Ciscomani presented a bill to help the surviving spouses and families of veterans receive the benefits they deserve.

Ciscomani’s legislation, the Prioritizing Veterans’ Survivors Act (H.R. 7100) passed with unanimous support. As an Army veteran, I applaud the Congressman’s efforts to ensure our families have access to all their benefits. There have a been a lot of issues lately because the office dedicated to helping survivors of veterans was moved out of the Office of the VA Secretary. This bill would move it back so the Secretary can fix problems directly. But this also has the added benefit of giving our families direct access to the VA Secretary so they can be heard at the top! As any veteran knows all too well, that access is important. Thank you Congressman Ciscomani for advocating for our nation’s veterans!

Walter Shope

Northwest side

Who is Kamala Harris?

For those who would like information on Harris’ career and her political positions and accomplishments, please see the article in the Christian Science Monitor entitled “How would Kamala Harris govern? Her past career offers signals.” The website is and the article appeared on September 25. There is no paywall.

Barbara Hall


Need to speak out

This is one of the most difficult and personal letters I have ever written. I did not want to write it, but due to the disturbing comments, accusations and threats of Trump, Vance and far-right candidates, I felt the need to speak out. Trump’s xenophobia is immoral and abhorrent. Thus, due to one of Trump’s many obsessions, hard-working Haitians in an Ohio community were threatened and schools had to close. Sound familiar?

Next, Trump reverted to his old script which his supporters still believe, “If we don’t win the election, it was rigged.” Trump continued, “and you can blame it on the Jews.” His deranged comment really frightened me because I am the daughter of Holocaust survivors. I know what grievous loss and pain my family experienced because of another dictator’s plans for Jews and others he viewed as “vermin”.

We cannot and must not allow history to repeat itself. We must speak out. We must elect Kamala Harris. I am praying we do.

Sally Mayersohn

Northwest side

November election

i read the letters every day. Most letter writers are focused on Trump’s character and abortion. To my knowledge abortion is not illegal. Women have reproductive healthcare. Most people have had to deal with bosses and people they don’t like. Often the offending person is providing a job or service that we want/need. We “suck it up” and move forward. Basing your vote for president or Congress of the most powerful country in the world, solely on character is wrong. There are wars going on, the border invasion, inflation, rampant crime, failing schools, worldwide/local poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, etc. You may not like the words that Trump or Harris use but look at their records. Harris has been vice president for 4 years and helped run California for 8 years’ look at the results. Trump ran the USA for 4 years and did a pretty good job.

Gerald Jurries

Green Valley

U of A slights Wildcat basketball fans

Once again, my alma mater puts money ahead of its faithful sports fans. Is there any other reason for scheduling the UA mens’s basketball game against UCLA in Phoenix? Based on the salaries and “go away” compensation to former UA presidents, coaches and its financial mismanagement, the UA must need money badly. Guess they’ll also increase students’ tuition and fees. UA seems to be proud to be listed as 109th best university by Newsweek. Didn’t even make the top 100! I’m so ashamed, that as a Penn State and USC grad also, I’ll drop any reference to my UA degree. Phoenix for the big rivalry game! You’ve got to be kidding!

Dennis Winsten

Northeast side

Who best represents us?

I periodically watch the Tucson City Council meetings and the Board of Supervisors meetings online, and I inform my neighbors what’s coming down the pike according to the decisions made by those local representatives. My small neighborhood community is populated by educators, veterans, business owners, retirees, etc, each of whom represent values and ideals that might or might not be in agreement with the other. However, the consensus is that we all want the same things in life: health, prosperity, safety, law and order, freedom, and our combined voices to be heard by those representatives. When I think about these things at the federal level, I wonder, who’s there for us? I find there is one person already championing the voices of our diverse communities and laboring to guard our convictions in a bi-partison way; it’s Juan Ciscomani. Therefore, I will vote to re-elect the Congressman.

Lisa Ford


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