This prickly pear pad at Tohono Chul is shaped as a heart!

Hi, everyone!

My name is Gloria and I'm the editor of #ThisIsTucson. I grew up in Tucson and now can't imagine leaving. Even though I've lived here all my life, I'm constantly discovering new things about the city I call home.

The goal of #ThisIsTucson is to foster a community that knows and loves Tucson, sharing with you all the things we know, love and discover along the way. We hope that our stories, newsletters and Instagram posts help keep you connected to this beautiful city. 

If you didn't know, #ThisIsTucson has a membership program. Contributions help keep our stories free and accessible to everyone — we don't have a paywall on our website. 

You choose the amount and frequency of your donation. It's a sliding scale, so you can contribute as much or as little as you'd like. You can become a member here.

No matter the size of your contribution, membership comes with perks. Members get 20% off #ThisIsTucson merch and we host member-only giveaways, too. We've previously given away gift cards to Bookmans, spots in the Pets of Pima Parade, stays at Hotel McCoy and admission to the World Margarita Championship.

Thank you endlessly for your support of #ThisIsTucson. Whether you like a post of ours on social media, sign up for a newsletter, share a story or become a member, thank you.


Gloria Knott

Editor, #ThisIsTucson

Become a #ThisIsTucson member! Your contribution helps our team bring you stories that keep you connected to the community. Become a member today.