Best high school football photos

Pusch Ridge's Paul Bertelsen (44) just manages to get a hand on the toe of Catalina Foothills' Rhett Rodriguez (4) and trip up his leaping run in the third quarter of their game at Catalina Foothills High School, Friday, Sept. 23, 2016, Tucson, Ariz. Kelly Presnell / Arizona Daily Star

Since losing its second (and only) game of the season, Catalina Foothills has looked like a true powerhouse, outscoring opponents by 201 points in that stretch. The Falcons seemingly get better every week β€” they shut out Nogales 63-0 last week on the road. Senior quarterback Rhett Rodriguez is a touchdown-producing machine, already passing for 18 touchdowns in seven games so far this season. He's also added another four scores with his legs.Β 

Foothills hosts a 1-6 Cholla team this week and should have no problem improving to 7-1. The Falcons really only have one tough test left this year β€” a showdown at rival Salpointe Catholic next Friday. If they can stay hot and win that tilt, they'll likely finish the regular season 9-1.Β 

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