High school golf

Gavin Cohen, former individual state champion with Catalina Foothills, reacts after a long-range putt skittered off line at Randolph North Golf Course, Wednesday Sept. 2, 2015, Tucson, Ariz. Cohen now plays for the UA. Kelly Presnell / Arizona Daily Star

Gavin CohenΒ won the 2016 state golf championship at Catalina Foothills High School and then signed a letter-of-intent to be part of Arizona’s incoming freshman class. On Friday at Ventana Canyon Golf Club, Cohen had the round of his young life. He shot an 11-under-par 61 to break the course record, set by former UA golferΒ Brandon Smith, then a pro at Ventana Canyon. Cohen saved a par on 17 and then came through in the clutch at No. 18, hitting his approach to within 7 feet and making the birdie putt for his 61, surely one of the top 10 or 20 rounds in Tucson history.Β 

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Contact sports columnist Greg Hansen at 520-573-4362 or ghansen@tucson.com. On Twitter: @ghansen711