Catherine MacDonald

MacDonald will manage research at Sarver Heart Center 

Catherine MacDonald joined the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center and the Division of Cardiology at the UA College of Medicine in Tucson as manager of cardiology research.

“MacDonald initially will focus on bringing all clinical research efforts under unified leadership with increased transparency and oversight, as well as launching a heart failure clinical research program,” UA said in a news release.

She also will negotiate clinical research contracts and work with the development team to obtain philanthropic support for clinical research.

MacDonald worked 13 years for C.R. Bard, Inc. leading international marketing and clinical strategy teams for medical devices. She has prior clinical research experience in cardiology drug trials and pediatric ophthalmology.

Her bachelor of science in nursing is from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Novia Scotia, and she holds a master’s degree in business administration from Athabasca University in Alberta.