Christine Szuter

Amerind Foundation names Szuter its executive director

Christine SzuterΒ was named executive director of the Amerind Foundation. The foundation has a public museum and art gallery in Texas Canyon, 60 miles east of Tucson, designed β€œto promote knowledge and understanding of the Native Peoples of the Americas.”

She will succeedΒ John Ware, who is retiring to Santa Fe, N.M., this summer after 13 years as executive director.

Szuter is professor of practice and director of the graduate Scholarly Publishing Certificate Program at Arizona State University in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.

Szuter holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Arizona specializing in Southwest archaeology and zooarchaeology.

Her research interests include food systems, indigenous studies, digital humanities, gender studies, scholarly publishing, and public history.

She has served as the director of the University of Arizona Press, where she collaborated with three other university presses on the First Peoples Initiative funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. She has also served on many boards and committees.