Dawne Bell

Women's Foundation of S. Ariz. hires Bell as CEO

Dawne Bell joins the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona as CEO starting Jan. 5.

“Under her leadership, WFSA will continue to help women and girls overcome economic, political, gender and social barriers, encourage reform in the social climate; furthermore promoting change in conventional attitudes and continuing to invest in organizations that strive for positive long-term changes,” the foundation said in a news release.

Bell was director of development for Care for the Homeless in New York City the past two years. She has an additional 11 years’ experience working as executive director of a statewide nonprofit hospital foundation in New Mexico and has led the fundraising departments at social-justice nonprofit organizations in New Mexico and Michigan.

Bell has a master’s of public administration from Grand Valley State University and a bachelor of arts from Kalamazoo College. In 2009, she earned her Certified Fund Raising Executive credentials.

She has served on boards and leadership committees for the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Young Non Profit Professionals, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Women’s Prison Association and Crossroads for Women.