Nichole Chorny

After an extensive national search, Congregation Anshei Israel has named Nichole Chorny as cantorial soloist.

Chorny will be responsible for conducting congregational services,and will coordinate and/or conduct life-cycle events and the B’nai Mitzvah program in collaboration with Rabbi Robert Eisen. She also will develop and coordinate educational programs and worship services for the religious school, youth and young families.

A graduate of the University of Arizona with a B.M. in music education, Chorny has taught general music and choir to K-12 children in public schools, as well as performed as a cantorial soloist at other local synagogues and Jewish agencies.

She has worked at Anshei Israel since 2006 as a religious school teacher, B’nai Mitzvah program teacher and soloist at services. She will continue as the tefillah (prayer) and music teacher in the congregation’s religious school and as director of the synagogue’s adult and children’s choirs.

She is the 2012 recipient of the Grinspoon-Steinhardt national award for “Excellence in Jewish Education.”