Sally Reel - Sally Reel has been appointed associate vice president for health sciences inter-professional education, collaboration and community engagement for the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center.

She is also associate dean for academic practice, a university distinguished outreach professor and clinical professor at the UA College of Nursing.

Reel will lead development and implementation of inter-professional education and training programs for the UA’s health sciences colleges.

Since 2006, she has directed the Arizona Area Health Education Centers program. She will continue in that role.

As a clinical professor, Reel secured outside funding to establish programs for rural health professions, acute care nurse practitioner and nursing workforce diversity. She also generated federal funding for an inaugural primary care clinic led by UA nurse practitioner faculty.

She is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. In 2012 she was named to the Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.